A Veteran's Day Hunt


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2003
Glasgow, Montana
Spent Veteran's day hunting on a river. Had lots of fun and saw a few birds flying around. As a veteran I have always celebrated by hunting on this day to celebrate my freedom and remember those who also served and never had a chance to come back and hunt.




I must admit that I was the hen killer. That bird had to change sex on the way down. Both me and my buddy said it was a drake.


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Awesome photos. Gotta hate those Susies in disguise but it looks like you had a real fun shoot.
That pile of flying liver sure is pretty. Wish I enjoyed eating those things, but just can't make myself do it. Has something to do with knowing that those ducks and possibly some of those geese have floated and dined are nearly every sewer pond between Alaska and Mexico. Like I said, I just can't like eating them.
That pile of flying liver sure is pretty. Wish I enjoyed eating those things, but just can't make myself do it. Has something to do with knowing that those ducks and possibly some of those geese have floated and dined are nearly every sewer pond between Alaska and Mexico. Like I said, I just can't like eating them.

Ever see what elk and deer drink out of at least part of the year? You should watch the ducks pick through the cow shit to get to the corn in a feed lot, a real hot lunch program for them.

I enjoy ducks as long as prepared right and have eaten a pile of geese so I have figured out how to cook them also.

To each his own.

I got nothing against waterfowl hunters and killed a pile of waterfowl myself until I finally came to the conclusion I just can't stomach them. As far as I'm concerned "prepared right" is to give them to friends that like to eat them. ;)
man thems some nice pic's... looks like a dream hunt for most of us...
Cool stuff, Nemont. Can hardly wait for my son to get home for Christmas so we can get back to those cold days in the blind, watching the steam rise, sipping coffee, only to have our morning interrupted by a swarm of mallards who want to claim our spot as their own.

You always have great waterfowl stories and pics. If ever you need someone to pluck your birds and carry your decoys, give me a call.
That pile of flying liver sure is pretty. Wish I enjoyed eating those things, but just can't make myself do it. Has something to do with knowing that those ducks and possibly some of those geese have floated and dined are nearly every sewer pond between Alaska and Mexico. Like I said, I just can't like eating them.

Not even salami?
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