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I've never actually pickled pickles before just canned tomatoes every year.
Will be giving the pickles a try here in the next few hours any tips tricks last minute would be appreciated.
Best fridge pickles

Once our cucumbers really start rolling we keep a jar of these always on the make. Currently have (3) 1/2 gallon jars on rotation, and my kids will kill one every three days.
Returned from vacation to find our first haul of ripe tomatoes. At which point I had to run out for some fresh mozzarella that my kids had the idea to turn into my birthday “cake”. Squash, beans, cukes, and herbs all coming in full force.


If they turn out let me know the secret. I have yet to find a canned pickle recipe that I really like, and that they don’t get all soggy/mushy in me.
Use calcium chloride. Available on amazon. That is used by a lot of commercial processors to keep the pickles crisp. Research on it for amounts and how to use it. Don't take a whole lot. Calcium chloride absorbs well more than it's weight and volume of water. Also avoid overcooking during the blanching process.

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