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Wyoming Application Order Question


New member
Feb 12, 2018
East Sandwich, MA
Some buddies and I want to do a Wyoming Cow hunt this year. My question is can you put PP as your first choice and a cow hunt as your second so you don’t lose your points? Thanks! I’m personally planning on putting a hard to get elk hunt as my number one but some of the guys probably can’t pay the full bull tag cost up front
no points for reduced price cow/calf licenses. those only get burned on full price licenses.

but, even on the full price licenses you are correct in that you won't lose points on second choice - there are full price cow tags as well.
So if you put a reduced price tag number one you keep your points? That’s good to know. I’m sure I’m getting into stuff I could search now but am I current a reduced tag is just an area they are trying to lower the population? Is it actually any cheaper for a non resident? I don’t see a different price online. Thanks!
So if you put a reduced price tag number one you keep your points? That’s good to know. I’m sure I’m getting into stuff I could search now but am I current a reduced tag is just an area they are trying to lower the population? Is it actually any cheaper for a non resident? I don’t see a different price online. Thanks!
Reduced price type 6/7 is a completely separate draw with no points, so you'd have to do two applications to have a chance for bull tag and reduced price cow. Type 4 is full price cow and could be a second choice that wouldn't use points.
I think on WGFD website there are two separate apps for cow and bull hunts, correct?
Not really. There is a reduced price cow/calf tag draw separate from the regular or special draw. But there are full price type 4 and 5 tags that are cow/calf tags that are drawn in the regular and special and use points if drawn first choice.
I think you are asking if you can apply for a full price bull tag as 1st choice and a type 4(full price cow) as 2nd choice. You would not lose points if you draw 2nd choice.

I just applied and I did that to see if you can and it allowed me but keep in mind, thats a $700 cow. You cannot apply with a full price tag as one choice and a reduced price tag as another.
Deleting as my original answer only applied to the resident draw. My mistake
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