Wy. regions B and T mule deer


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Anybody ever hunt these regions for muleys?I see theres ALOT of walk in areas in these regions for mule deer.I want to put one down as a 2nd choice so I can bank another point to hunt G next year.Just want to know what the pressure is like and mule deer numbers.Doesn't look like trophy areas, but I'm just interested in getting my feet wet on muleys 1st.Any imfo would be helpful
I hunted Region B - paid a trespass fee, but hunted unguided - in 2008. I had a great time and got a decent buck. I wrote up my story at www.virginia-outdoors.com/articles/wyominghunting. I didn't see a ton of deer, but I saw some every day. Plus, it was only my second trip hunting out west, so I am far from and expert and even I killed one.
Nice read Wahoo...Interesting facial expressions in all of your photos too...almost confused looks or something. :confused:

Welcom to hunttalk!
I liked your story also.Not sure I want to pay trespass fees, but its there as an option.Guess I'll contact the local biologist to see what the game populations are like
Tough call on the trespass fees for sure. Having zero time to scout and little time to hunt, I was glad to pay the fees.

Sorry about my confused expressions. I think I was just so stunned that I'd actually killed something that I didn't know how to react. This fall I'm planning a DIY elk hunt (public land, no trespass fees). If I get a bull elk on my own, I will be in total shock!

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