Wolves Eliminate MT Elk Hunting Opportunities

Greenhorn- I'm terribly bad at guessin' scores on elk, so what is your guess on the scores of these?? I know I'd shoot either/or and one's even smaller, just curious as a frame of reference.
Kinda funny in wapiti slayers pack listing I don't see any that describe the area I hunt, so apparently the wolves I've been seeing the past five years or so don't exist. Thats the scary part for Idaho, the #'s quoted are fictional at best. We've got more than they'll ever admit to.

Another great bull there Greeny. What do you do with all of them? How do you decide which ones go on the wall? It would be a nice problem to have.
I didn't shoot any of those elk as I cannot draw a permit like that, very tough odds. I've been lucky to be able to tag along with people that do draw it though a few times.
wy dosn't want them at all. if the feds want them fence them in on federal land. :MAD if they step on state or privete land shoot them.
sorry guys but we need to stand for states rights and the feds are shoving them down our throat. :BLEEP: |oo

cmiddleton - Hate to break it to you, but if you don't make the feds happy they won't let you shoot them anywhere, anytime without breaking the law. Get on the powers that be in your state to get an approvable plan up and running! Regarding states rights, does WY return the "profit" to DC that they make from taxes????? :D That can cut both ways....
Here we go with the states rights and shoving wolves down our throat.

What a steaming pile.

No state is exempt from federal laws...including the ESA. Also, if wolves were shoved down our throats...why were a vast majority of public comments received in favor of wolf reintroduction????

I guess all the anti-wolf people must have been asleep when the 100+ scoping meetings, and multiple comment periods were going on...

I guess this is what happens when you play rip-van-winkle.

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