Sitka Pre Season Savings

Wives.. And Hunting

Ditch the b****.

Find someone who may not love hunting, but loves you enough to want you to be happy.

Clingy girls have issues. And most of those issues have problems.
LMFAO from MrsWyo!!!

This is a helluva thread!

Seriously though, talk it through and see if you can compromise - your relationship is a 2-way street. Make sure she gets to do things she enjoys and you support her. The same goes for you.

When my wife met me, I was into hunting, but not nearly as into hunting as I am now. As a poor college kid, I didn't do much and she wasn't exposed to much hunting. Once school was done and we got settled and the hunting started ramping up, she questioned it and was concerned but we had one of those nice, long talks. In the end, be both won. I don't say anything negative about the shopping she does and how much she spends. And she doesn't give me grief about the number of hunts or the duration of them. Soon when the kids are a bit bigger, they'll be out hunting so this will turn into a family affair to a degree and she's very interested in that. The biggest issue has been the time I'm away from the family and her chasing the rugrats around while I'm gone (guess I discipline more than she does) but I encourage her to get a sitter and take breaks and all that. Works pretty well for us.
Hunting and wives is almost as fun of a conversation as taxidermy and wives. I've never understood the guys that throw their stuff in the garage because the wife won’t let it in “her” house.

I’ve always been the guy saying “here, hold the ladder baby”
Hunting and wives is almost as fun of a conversation as taxidermy and wives. I've never understood the guys that throw their stuff in the garage because the wife won’t let it in “her” house.

I’ve always been the guy saying “here, hold the ladder baby”

Good Point Dink...

Large Print on Marriage Application:

If you don't like bone, you're on your own...:D
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After reading all these posts it feels awsome to have a great wife. Only time hunting is a problem with her is when I don't help find someone to watch the kids so she can enjoy it too. Having young kids has slowed it down a little but if its important to both of you, you find a way to make it work.

Did that many of you realy have to sit down and have some in depth talk before you got hitched? Seems like if you have to have that talk you need to find someone else.
When I was dating my wife, she never could stand the hunting channel and would have to turn away when watching a kill shot. She was the type that wouldn't go to rodeos because the steer wrestling bothered her so much. To me I kept with it, she knew that I was a hunter and that it was my passion. We have been married for 5 years and have an 18 month old son and we watch the hunting channel now and my wife lets me know when it was a good shot or not. My son knows what an elk is and does his little bugle sound when I ask him what an elk says. She still doesn't ever want to hunt and I am happy with that because my brother's wife hunts with him and has out shot him for the past two years. I obviously don't get out as much as I did while we were dating or when I was single but she knows that come fall I'll be chasing elk, deer, antelope, etc. while she chases bargains. I agree with the post earlier about taking her on scouting trips, this summer we will be hiking into some back country just her and I and she's excited to help me find signs and sheds while enjoying the great outdoors.

To late for you Hombre, you already took the plunge......;)

I brought her back a pile of sheds and a couple ticks for our first Valentines day together, figured I`d set the bar low and work my way up.
Ditch the b****.

Find someone who may not love hunting, but loves you enough to want you to be happy.

Clingy girls have issues. And most of those issues have problems.

:eek: MrsWyodeerhunter, I'm speechless, all I can say is Cogratulations to MrWyodeerhunter ! ;)

Calvin, just remember the key to a sucky relationship :confused: Whoops ! I mean, to a succesful relationship is communication and honesty. If you don't have either of those you might as well forget it.
Guns> shoes. Count the pairs of shoes in her closet, you're supposed to have double that many guns. I'm out of balance, but my wife's a wonderful lady who understands that I have an affair every year with boats, wet dogs, and cold weather, and she's ok with that. I make up for it after waterfowl season is over by taking our 8 year old son skiing for the next four months so she can have some time to herself.. yeah, it's tough duty, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I might even sneak in a bowhunt, deerhunt, elkhunt, or (drawing gods willing) an antelope hunt this year.
Get fixed and prenup the sheet outta yourself and you should be just fine. If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough.
I say that you have to decide if you really want someone to hunt with you or someone that doesn't hunt, but also doesn't care if you hunt. I am one of those wives that likes to hunt just as much as my husband. He enjoys that, but I also know of some friends of ours that thought they were making the best decision in finding someone to hunt with them and now they wish they maybe would have looked around more for a girl that didn't mind hunting but they didn't like it as much as their hubby so that they wouldn't have to try to figure out a way for the wife to be able to go with them all the time.

And no my husband and I didn't have to sit down and have a long conversation about hunting. Our first date, we went ice fishing as a group date. I was the only girl that even brought warm clothes and a fishing pole. After that I would say that 90% of our dates were hunting, going paintballing, and just being outdoors.

He was right when I said the only time hunting is a problem is if he doesn't help me find a babysitter for the 4 little girls that we have. Compromise is huge. I don't nag as much now, but he also is not gone for week after week after week. You have to come up with something that works for you.
They don't have to do it BUT they must understand the FACTS! Meat must be killed before it is consumed & that spot on my wall is for a RACK & so is the empty spaces next to it.

My wife hunts & she enjoys it but it's not like she is a HUNTMASTER. lol I will say that they will start adding up the HUNT FUNDS in the old brain. It may take 5-10 years, but they will eventually catch on... Make sure you take them out to dinner & listen to them (damn I am a horrible listner) as they will have plenty to say when you come home from a trip. It's like Randy said, learn to tuck your tail between your legs,they are ALWAYS right when push comes to shove.

If you do decide to apply her for a hunt, make sure to talk it over with her. Make sure to teach her the right way & remember she wasn't born into a hunting family. Practice, Explain, Be Patient & make sure she has a steady rest! I think it's a great opportunity to introduce a non-hunter to hunting, but that's just me.

they are always RIGHT!!!
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I suppose if I was to give training on fashion techniques, the rest of you would also have a better handle on your women. Mine can’t stand the thought of letting this catch get away:eek: She does what I say.

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