Wildife Task force 90-10, etc.

I took it they will go from 75-90% in the 5 year period. 15% in five years. 3% every year nonresident to resident license's.
Passed second reading today. 3rd will be tomorrow. Then to the House
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I took it they will go from 75-90% in the 5 year period. 15% in five years. 3% every year nonresident to resident license's.
Passed second reading today. 3rd will be tomorrow. Then to the House
If July 2022 is the first year they increase by 3% then in year 2026 the 90/10 would be attained. So either their math is bad or it‘s worded poorly.
Sounds like this is a done deal. When do they carve out a percentage of that 10% for outfitters? Expand it to deer/elk/antelope?
I do not see a carve out for outfitters going over very well at all. Hopefully we see the 90/10 for deer elk and lope by next year.
The 90/10 passed the house, the senate TRW and first reading without the Sommers amendment. It appears its going to fly through the senate and then head to conference committee where the Sommers amendment could be added back in before it heads to Gordon's desk.

The 90/10 passed the house, the senate TRW and first reading without the Sommers amendment. It appears its going to fly through the senate and then head to conference committee where the Sommers amendment could be added back in before it heads to Gordon's desk.

Is there anything we can do to make sure the Sommers amendment is not added back in? Is the conference committee a select group that we can contact and email?
The 90/10 passed the house, the senate TRW and first reading without the Sommers amendment. It appears its going to fly through the senate and then head to conference committee where the Sommers amendment could be added back in before it heads to Gordon's desk.


I am really looking forward to the discussions by the Task Force in regards to Outfitter set-asides on NR tags.

I am not a fan of Outfitter set asides but I dislike Transferable Landowner Tags a lot more. These talks will be interesting for sure. Planning to make the next two TF meetings. Was this talked about much at the last TF meeting?
I am really looking forward to the discussions by the Task Force in regards to Outfitter set-asides on NR tags.

Agreed mulecreek, curious here as well. I think it’s all but inevitable at some point, curious on timeline.
Why are you against his ammendment? Just curious.
Yeah. The residents through the task force have spoken and this is what we want and we want it now. not over 5 years. Sommers did a little bait and switch. He sat on the Task Force and supported the bill as written on the task force then at the last minute added his amendment not due to the taskforce but supposedly over concerns raised by one outfitter. So it got stripped back out and I do hope it stays out.
It now goes to the joint committee

The primary difference between the two bills is the Sommers amendment, which was sprung onto the bill on the House Floor by Majority Leader Rep. Albert Sommers at the behest of a single outfitter in his district. The Sommers amendment would have implemented 90/10 allocation for the Big 5 species (sheep, goat, moose, bison, grizzly) over a 5 year period rather than immediately beginning next year.

The Senate TRW Committee stripped the amendment from the bill after hearing from the G&F, WWTF members, and outfitters that the benefit from the amendment would be minimal and not worth the administrative hassle. If Sommers' amendment had remained and full 90/10 implementation been delayed until 2027, by my calculation, 174 one-in-a-lifetime mountain goat, bison, bighorn sheep and moose tags would have gone to nonresident hunters instead of Wyomingites.
Yeah. The residents through the task force have spoken and this is what we want and we want it now. not over 5 years. Sommers did a little bait and switch. He sat on the Task Force and supported the bill as written on the task force then at the last minute added his amendment not due to the taskforce but supposedly over concerns raised by one outfitter. So it got stripped back out and I do hope it stays out.
So you will be refunding the NRs that bought into the points racquet under the original set of rules, of course. Reniging now seems a titch dishonorable.
I see Sy Gilliland was there whining and crying for Outfitter set-asides (as usual) and transferable landowner tags. The State of Wyoming doesn't owe Outfitters a living. Sink or Swim Gilliland. He's the guy with the big cowboy hat with his hand out.
Transferable tags is a absolute no go for me everything else we can talk about but landowner tags program itself needs overhauled.
So you will be refunding the NRs that bought into the points racquet under the original set of rules, of course. Reniging now seems a titch dishonorable.
Nope nothing was ever guaranteed with points. You got exactly what you paid for. A point. It was and still is your choice to buy a point. That is the only thing a point system is designed to do, give you a point. Not our fault you chose to buy a point...

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