Wicked cool mule deer hunt video

It was the low point of my hunting life tho looking back, but in the end gave me a better perspective as i evaluated what I was actually doing out there and why.
Can you expand on this statement? Your multi year quest with chief is still one of the most badass stories I have read on here.
I'd like to say that but if I would of harvested my 200+ inch public land nemesis after chasing him for six years, my wife probably would of cried more than me cause of the amount of time I devoted to that deer. Lol. but I probably would of shed a few tears to. That deer gave me nightmares cause I thought about it so much. It was the low point of my hunting life tho looking back, but in the end gave me a better perspective as i evaluated what I was actually doing out there and why.

As for the video I thought it was well done. Embarrassment of riches up there tho. Good grief!
Wheres a link to that story of your buck?
Wheres a link to that story of your buck?
U can't talk either lol. If that's all you watched of it. Perty good video man
The intro alone put me off, sorry some of ya'll don't agree with that. I did skip around and here again, was not for me I guess. And for that, I get people calling me names....it's so high school out here sometimes.
Can you expand on this statement? Your multi year quest with chief is still one of the most badass stories I have read on here.
Yea after I read it. I should of stated it differently. The jist is I passed up 160+ inch deer while hunting him for years and did not put meat in the freezer. 3 of the years I was completely consumed with that deer and did not enjoy myself in the woods putting that kind of pressure on myself. Took the joy out of what I was doing for awhile.
I’ve seen the first 35 min , really enjoyed what I’ve seen and plan on finishing the quest when I have time on Saturday. I have enjoyed his passion, there’s a difference between real and fake passion and a love and respect for the animals we hunt , and it’s easy to tell the difference.
Pretty harsh for somebody who claims to have watched one minute of a 2 hour hunting video. I’d watch it a second time. The flick has so little to do with “how great he is.”

Fair enough. I gave it a shot but when he said around the 2:10 mark "let me take you back to the day I met this deer", that was it for me.
Fair enough. I gave it a shot but when he said around the 2:10 mark "let me take you back to the day I met this deer", that was it for me. He's about as bad as trying to watch Cam. They're way different from each other but equally as non-watchable.
Help me understand how he should have said that better?

It's pretty obvious why hunters are just gonna hate his hat, boots, the shot he made, the country he hunts, his wife's make-up, his accent, etc.

Show me a better mule deer hunting video, or even a hunting video. Link it up for critique. I've never seen anything like it.
Me either. But I can’t say I’ve hunted a 250 class buck for 5 years in a row either. Some people’s emotions are wired different. I don’t think it was acting. Who knows.

If anybody has a better hunting video to share - please link it here. I’ve personally never seen a better one.

I really liked this one. I think the link may have been posted up on the forum before.
Maybe just make fun of him when he cries like a baby. I've never watched a single hunting video made by the guy before this week, know absolutely nothing about him, other than that video is TOP SHELF.
JEEZ. I didn't know what I've been missing. Probly still won't. mtmuley Edited to add all caps.
Jeez. I didn't know what I've been missing. Probly still won't. mtmuley
You think those neighborhood bucks in the bitterroot are big, these things are something ridiculous, it's not just the one big buck. I highly recommend.
I’m going to follow a Montana deer from birth til death. I will look for a fawn in our alfalfa fields in 3 weeks. Video will post either this winter or the following. I’m inspired.
What will make you real mad is these bucks are just across the border. The Canadians still get to hunt plenty it seems as well. Really no reason MT couldn't have that kind of quality.
What will make you real mad is these bucks are just across the border. The Canadians still get to hunt plenty it seems as well. Really no reason MT couldn't have that kind of quality.
I agree. I don't know if I can find any pictures, but my Grandfather, Father and Uncle took some great deer in the North of Montana. mtmuley
What will make you real mad is these bucks are just across the border. The Canadians still get to hunt plenty it seems as well. Really no reason MT couldn't have that kind of quality.
Oh I know.