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Why I try not to come don on people for making Dumb mistakes..


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So I went to Little Ceasars for Pizza tonight, took all 4 kids. When I got home, I opened the Garage, started unloading the 4 kids grabbed the pop, grabbed to 2 pizza's and hit the Garage close button almost dropping the Pizzas and then went inside. I was ballencing the Pizza and dropped one pop and got it all picked up. Next thing I hear is "WHERE IS MASON", my youngest. He apperently ran out the garage door as I let him out of his car seat and I went to grab the Pizza. He waw outside in front of the front door. No one had seen him do it !!

I thought he went in with the other boyz...

Everything was OK and nothing close to hard happened but it could have. He could have kept goni gto the street or something. I feel like a Shmuck that I could let that happen..... But Things happen. Fortunately this time it wasn't too bad.

Anyone else ever have a OMG, I can't believe that jsut happened ? Besides Gunners Parents story when they found out they were pregnant with him ?!?!!? :D :D
Anyone else ever have a OMG, I can't believe that jsut happened ?

I drew a sheep tag in January on my first try (for that species).:eek: My wife thought that was a pretty dumb mistake.;)

Still not as good as your elk story, though.
I've had a few.Set my 3-4 month old daughter on the ottoman to change her, didn't think she'd roll off.Had to grab wipes a few feet away saw her start to roll just wasn't fast enough to catch her(she was ok).Was scared to tell the wife but it happened to her a few days later.One more,this was not to long ago same daughter 2 1/2 yrs old.We were walking out to the car I was carrying one of my twins in her car seat my wife had the other.I thought my mom had the oldest(she did but my daughter ran up to the car door as I opened it)didn't see her luckily she just got a little bump and a scraped knee.Haven't had any incidents with the twins yet after 9months.
When our 3 yr. old was 8 months old, he would throw his body backwards when you picked him up. If you weren't prepared, you could almost drop him. Well one night he did it with my wife and down he went, dislocating his shoulder. Spent the night in the ER. Poor wife still feels bad about it. With kids anything can happen, and happen very quickly.
Crap.. that reminds me of several.. like when the little one was in the Bathroom, grabbed the curling iron cord (Next to the wife mind you) and pulled it down. Then grabbed the curling iron before we could grab it. Me and the Wife were crying on that one....I hate when the little guys get hurt like that. I was holding another kid and thew him down to save the one though.. I'll never live that one down from the wife either ;)

OAk, It's a SHEEP, it's better then BOTH my elk stories !!!
When my son was a baby I got home late one night he wanted me so I sat in the lazyboy and fell asleep withhim al the sudden I felt him roll and he fell between the wall and my chair. a liitle scrape from the wall but all was well
I started my truck once, while I was standing outside of it to warm it up. It was in gear and took off.

I was running along side yelling profanities about myself, trying to steer it away from hitting stuff and grab the gear shift to put it in neutral. That's pretty much self correcting behavior, I don't do it anymore. Just let it be cold in the truck, that's fine with me.
Every once in a while, I used to leave my son strapped in the car seat while I went inside and relaxed. Then he figured out how to get out of it by him self and the peace and quite ended.
Anyone else ever have a OMG, I can't believe that jsut happened ?
My first hummer comes to mind...and it was from a girl!!! :D

I'm sure I'll have my share of like themed stories that the rest of you are sharing here shortly.
Who was the second one by Tyler... :eek: :D

Reminds me of the "Stupids" story a guy told here a few years back...

Now that was a dumb mistake and the owner of the story probably thought so as the guy was being hauled off by the cops... :)
just a couple weeks ago.......the wife gets up and gets the kids ready for school....feeds them and takes them to school. we have two that are in high school and one in kindergarden.

my 5 yr old son in kindergarden had off that day. It was my job to watch him untill she got back.

So...I get up in the morning to my normal routine....shit ,shower and shave...get dressed, head to Dunks for my morning coffee and then off to the shop....I no sooner pull into the shop parking lot and my cell phone rings.

It's the wife. she say's..." good morning, what are you doing?"
I say..." you called and woke me up and i was sleeping gooood"
she says.."sorry bout that but you need to get up anyway".
i say..."nah, just kiddin ya....Im pulling into the shop".
she says..." why didnt you let him sleep in on his day off".

OH SHIT! the conversation we had the night before flashes through my mind.
"dont forget, tomorrow Jeb has off school so wait for me to get home and then you can go to work".she must of told me that at least four or five times in two days.

my silence let her know that her baby was home all alone by himself.
"I cant believe you left him better be joking" "Please tell me your joking ,right?" again my silence confirmed to her that I was indeed the Idiot she had suspected from day one !

90 mph drive back home, caught every friggin red light between the shop and the house.....He was fine, still sleeping in his bed.
of course she had to tell anyone and everyone she could that Brother-in-law called me laughing his ass off...talking about me being "father of the year".

yeah, its funny now...but it damned sure wasnt funny at the time!
JB....'two in high school & one in kindergarden"....Is that your other OMG story?:)
JB....'two in high school & one in kindergarden"....Is that your other OMG story?

thats just one of the many !
When the oldest was about 1-1/2 he took his first solo drive. I had left the truck running while I got out to open a gate and he climbed out of his car seat stood on the drivers seat and yanked the shift lever into reverse. Luckily
I had my window down and I was able to catch the truck and jamb it back into park. Then I taught all four kids to turn around and face the back window when there were tail gaters or other idiot drivers. I'd slow down hit the power window and when it went down there would be anywhere from 1-4 kids making faces and flipping the bird at the guy behind. That back fired when the bride was with me and the kids started saying line him up dad. How was I supposed to know that I shouldn't teach them that?
JB - That's a great story!

This takes place about 12 years ago when we were still living ...errrr...broke down in Utah. My wife & I had just gotten up one morning. We were both in the kitchen along with the dog and our 1 1/2 year old son getting ready for the day. Wife feeds the dog, then sends him out the back patio door. She goes back to reading the newspaper and sipping some coffee, when the dog's tail brushes her leg. She gets one of those "wtf" looks and turns around to look at the patio door. There stood our 1 1/2 year old son, outside with a big smile and both hands on the window, whom she had put outside after the dog finished eating breakfast. Still LMAO about that to this day.
I wasn't going to tell my story, but after reading JB's I figure he'll get arrested for child endangerment long before I will! LOL

When my son was app 18 months old it was my job to take him to the sitters on my way to work in the morning. So one day lots of chit is going on and I'm really pre-occupied with work. Get there, tell every one good morning, sit down and fire up the computer.

Suddenly I get this feeling like, I forgot to do something this morning....Yup, I forgot to stop by the sitters. The kid had fallen sound asleep (read-he was quiet) and I blew right by the sitters, went to work and left him sleeping in the carseat.

Needless to say I shot out of my desk and muttered to the secretary "I'll be right back" and ran out to the truck. Kid was still sound asleep, none the wiser. I think after about a year I worked up the courage to tell the wife. Eventually, she thought it was kinda funny (eventually).
yeah, I have a dumb OMG one.

I took this kids scouting for elk. is was squirrel season and the kids wanted to pop some squirrels. so I would tree the squirrel and the kids would shoot them.

we'll we were driving critter runs across the road, I shut the truck off and put the keys on the dash. and I have lots of different keys.

well Anthony was getting it his socks and shoes on Dani was following us with the quad.
Anthony decides he is going to drive and he did for about a mile or 1 totaling the front end.

I still hear about it.

yeah, I have a dumb OMG one.

I took this kids scouting for elk. is was squirrel season and the kids wanted to pop some squirrels. so I would tree the squirrel and the kids would shoot them.

we'll we were driving critter runs across the road, I shut the truck off and put the keys on the dash. and I have lots of different keys.

well Anthony was getting it his socks and shoes on Dani was following us with the quad.
Anthony decides he is going to drive and he did for about a mile or 1 totaling the front end.

I still hear about it.


:confused: :confused:

Am I missing something? I don't get it.
My oldest son was about 3 we went to the local dirt track, we were sitting right before a turn about halfway up the bleachers. My wife was holding him, and I heard her say OH MY GOD. She had set our son down between her legs because the dust was bothering him, he leaned back and fell to the ground. He had to get a couple stitches in his head, but turned out ok. I wanted to kill her!!!! But she still alive and kicking, and living with me. That was 30 years ago.
A buddy and I were putting carpet in my house, and our wives decided to go to their house for dinner, besides, they had a swimming pool, they took all the kids except my (THEN) youngest who was asleep, and told us when we finished the room to get my daughter and come on over....well, you guessed it, when my buddy and I got to their house wife asks..where's Tina? , after hauling azz on red dirt roads in Oklahoma, she was asleep. amazingly enough, we got divorced a year later, I wonder if that was anything to do with it, or if she had enough reasons without that one.
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