Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Whose views are closest to your own?

Well, I am in most agreement with Bush, but I wish they had a "Neither" option. There are some things that I think both candidates are wrong on.
How would you like to be the web master of that site, having to change Kerrys positions several times a day ?
I heard Bush on the radio today, talking about how hard it is to prepare for the debate...since Kerry keeps changing his position!

He also said that Kerry could spend 90 minutes debating himself. LMAO! :D :D That WAS funny!
Well i can find very few polititions that i agree with 100% and with these two maybee 30% Bush, 20% Kerry, this being a percentage of what i agree with them on...pretty pathetic as most of what they say is WHACK!