Yeti GOBOX Collection

When To trust a Son -in -law


New member
Jan 22, 2003
How/when do you give up your good hunting spots to a Son-in-law? 2 yrs ago I helped him get his 1st deer....last week I helped him get his 1st Turkey

I asked him to keep his mouth shut about these locations:hump:

And since I can't get a tag... I like to help... He has been married to my daughter [4 yrs] and now I am a Grandpa [GEEEEZ]

Last time I told a friend about a choice coues spot [ 20yrs ago] it was isolated... next year it was crawling with hunters and it was ruined

I trust George...:)
You ever going to post any pcs of this turkey? Do you need someone to develop that 110 film for you?

I posted it ... look again... 15 birds at 10 ft... he shoots a dink.:D.. but he was very proud...and it was awesome seeing Elk/Lopes/Geese/... oh and he shot his 1st Bandtail too!.. :)

Hey AZ402 if I hadn't had that cheap underwater camera in my pack[ left over from Hawaii] there wouldn't be ANY pics... son-in law was unprepared AGAIN.. I'm trying BUT?
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cjcj...thats a tuff situation youre least hes going out with you, and youre getting a chance to teach him. but maybe you better have a 'heart to heart' and explain good spots are hard to come by, everyone will go if you tell them...and then its not good anymore. Heck, let him know if he tells anyone else...he aint going with you no more!
The above is a lesson I learned a looooong time ago about keeping my mouth shut about great fishing spots I find...cuz I learned the hard way. ;)
Anyone who has hunted for a while on, escpecially public land has probably ran into this, in a round about way. As a matter of fact, I had to say something to a friend yesterday about the same thing. I have a great place that me and my family has killed a ton of deer on and it is on public land. He is taking some of his friends within a few hundred yards but he said that he told them to not hunt the area that I have always hunted because.... First, simply because he told them that they will go look at it and once they see it, they will hunt it. I was quit upset to say the least.
I have also lost a great duck pond (private land) because I took a friend of a friend. They went to the owner and paid $$$ and I lost it. The owner let me hunt it for free but a week after I took this guy the owner came up and told me that I had to stop hunting it. Found out later that he had it.
Live and Learn!!!