Caribou Gear Tarp

Whats Your Favorite "Hacks"

When the house is dirty, but I don't want to clean, I get my wife all spun up over some little thing. It sends her into a tizzy & the next thing you know, she's cleaned the house in order to calm down.

Wait a minute.... did you share this tactic with my wife... this is her go to move

The little irrigation/survey flags left in yards can be used for all kinds of quick repairs to get you by till you can make it to a hardware store.
After election and hail seasons, I round up the corregated plastic signs from my neighbors' because they work well as backing for shooting targets.

To remove Sharpie from a white board, I scribble dry erase marker over it, let it sit for a minute or two, and can then wipe the Sharpie off.
A metal washer (or coin) as a spacer to make an oversized wrench fit a nut.

Also, Goop hand cleaner to remove blood from fabric. Pre-spot and let it sit. A few hours later rub more in and throw it in the washer with your regular detergent...
I honestly think botvacs are the best life hack of the last several years for our house.
Bot vacs are great except my girl friend cusses more now than she did when we swept the floors due to it getting stuck or under our feet.

One hack for meat care....I cube and freeze a lot of my meat and same could be done for anything you want to keep and in a nice flat frozen package. Between each package I'll place a piece of cardboard. This helps it to freeze faster since there is some added air circulation and the meat isn't insulating itself and freezes into a thin even package good for when you have to play freeze tetris later.

For getting grease off you hands use soap first. Thoroughly scrub and then wipe off with a paper towel, then rinse off with water. I've used this same approach for cleaning tupawear I bring to work. It's the best way to clean tomato sauce out of clear plastic bowls.

Oil stained clothes rub in dawn and let it sit awhile before washing.

Vinegar, while scrubbing with a baking soda paste is great for bad smells. I use it when I severely neglect an icechest and from time to time on my boots when they start getting ripe. Or if clothes are left in the washer and have a mildew smell I'll add vinegar and wash again.

Gasoline works wonders on paint or if you accidentally lose some in your yard while slightly flooded and don't have to cut the grass for the rest of the summer. But those aren't advised
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