What's a 100.00 bill worth?

pa mt man

New member
Feb 3, 2002
Went to a rmef banquet on saturday in pittsburgh and they auctioned off a hundred dollar bill. They needed a little more to net 2 millon rasied at these banquets and put the bill up for auction. It went for over 3,000.00 dollars!
I didn't win anything as always. :(
Man that bill must have been made out of gold or sometihng???? :eek: :eek: I always thaught that a $100.00 bill was worth $100.00. :confused:
Quick Draw
LOL Erin....
It used to buy an awful lot, your dad can probably remember getting candy bars for a penny.... ;) when now they cost a $1.29 :D
I don't know about that, but i bet he tips the IRS for the loss.... All but the $100.00 is tax deductable...

3 grand for a "C" note???? :eek: some people have a hell of alot more money than brains :BLEEP: I wander how much booze they sold to get the bid up that HIGH :cool: (fugging idiot)

Was this a reg C note or a special C note worth some money?
And I don't know about what dan said, but it is a contribution and should be able to be deducted for the full amount. Don't know for sure though.
well guys people have alot money like gov they roll in it whie ur struggling nice eh but yes there lots bills that worth alot coins to just think people even for halloween give out rich coins man be nice least not sturggle i iant greedy just enoguh do fine with im sure we all agree money so evil well people not money but it is prob think me hubby we get behind on somethin pay up someone else screws up we get blame get sued by alot think like were magnet sure happen to others we trying get outta debt of cours eu have money for that too it bites for poor ur deeper and deeper nice eh :BLEEP:
I got my brand new, off the shelf, at Ace Hardware, Rem Mdl 600, for one $100.00 bill....................and got some change t'boot. ;)