Caribou Gear Tarp

Western Hunting and Conservation Expo

Brandon - Do you have the cow elk hat for sale yet? I'm picking up the antelope hat and shirt and might as well pick up the cow elk at the same time if it's available. Good luck at the show. I'll bet your booth is generating a lot of attention at the shows.
Just wondering if anyone is going to be headed down to Salt Lake for the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo? We will be there with our booth.

Can't make it, but my daughter will be there visiting friends and they are going. Just don't hit on her she is a single mommy with two boys.
I swear this is absolutely the last year I am going.

Even if I buy you a beer?

When would be the best time for a Hunt Talk gathering? Just thinking we should continue, even if it is just me and Still Kickin'. Gotta be some other guys going. Dink? KHunter? Oak? Buzz? Greenie? Elk Hunter?
I'm thinking about going but i would have to come back on the 4th. Daughter has a track meet and she doesn't want me to miss it. So, if anyone from Bozeman is wanting to go like Thursday and friday, then head back to boz friday night, i might be able to swing that.
Won't be there til Saturday, leaving Sunday. Some of us don;t have the same amount of vacation time as others:rolleyes:
I am going to try, I have the time but I'm not sure I have the scratch.
We will have a booth again. I believe it is #2321. Come by and mention Hunt Talk or OYOA and we'll have a little something for you. We have a couple of new designs for this year that look great and hope you will all come give us some feedback on them.
Changed plans to be there Friday and Saturday..................Randy, did you make the executive decision on a "gathering"?

Wife says it seems like I have a lot of tension lately so she "recommended" i find a strip club while i'm down there:eek: They are great meeting places too by the way............just sayin'.......LOL
Do they even have those places in Utah?
Look for tall white buildings surrounded by walls/fences. But, then again, I've never been allowed in one of those... ;)

Actually, there's a couple of "those places" in SLC. Never been, but have heard good things...
You'll sooner see Greenhorn shooting a cow in Texas than Big Fin in one of those establishments. :D

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