PEAX Equipment

Wayne LaPierre Resigned

The board of directors allowed all these things to happen. They even approved that deal that wayne would receive his full salary after retirement. The board is made up of theives same as the executive staff. I cant see anything ever changing at the NRA.
$2.2M for life.
This guy's tonsorial budget is more than my annual gross salary.
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IMO, NRA holds a solid foundation that is more than capable to overcome crap years. Companies (GM), NPO's (United Way) have recovered from internal turmoil.

As a life member (gift during my youth), and formerly involved with YHEC at our former NRA gun range, I've seen first hand the immense value NRA has brought to our youth and our protections for America's Second Amendment.

I am not a fan of LaPierre, ever since he went on the offensive of, if I recall right, "Jack Booted Thugs" - Piss poor means to respond to the less than stellar ATFE approach at the time. Glad this tree was shaken though to discount the value of NRA... is short sighted and amplified by a well established Liberal agenda.
It's the ole chop the tree vs pick off the bad apples. Add to this the Liberals agenda to hinder quality funding and votes for predominately Conservatives.

The National Rifleman Association is far greater than the coruption of a few.

That said, IMO, return Ollie North - have him take the lead, shake the tree further and have them get in line or get pushed out. Nature of the massive NRA. I also like Allen West.
It seems everyone is upset with how the donation money is utilized, which is common on HT, be it RMEF, BHA, MDF, or whatever. But is there a legislative result the NRA supported that members are unhappy with? Any 2A position at all?
They built a building just down the road from the crooks on capital hill. Wayne and the board learned well. Keep your enemies closer? Apparently they are good friends.
The board of directors allowed all these things to happen. They even approved that deal that wayne would receive his full salary after retirement. The board is made up of theives same as the executive staff. I cant see anything ever changing at the NRA.
They all need to be replaced before meaningful change can happen.
Speaking of the bloviating sociopaths at the NRA, here's a piece of fearmongering BS that showed in the mail today. In the end, the NRA will prove to be the greatest detriment to public support for reasonable gun rights:


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