Waddells illegal bull?

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Last warden that stopped me asked if he could look in my cooler.

I replied "yes, on the condition you grab me a beer out of it".

He proceeded to search the cooler and returned with a cold colors light for me to enjoy on my drive.
***The more you shoot your mouth off, the more I can understand why you have problems with LE! It takes pretty good, solid information from someone to have a Judge issue a search warrant for a Warden to come to your home. Then you end that post with a real smartazz comment and come back again with another STUPID comment! Maybe you are a violator and deserve the third degree and to get busted if you're violating the law!

Did somebody drop you on your head when you were little?

Nobody's ever had a search warrent that I saw. I invited them inside. They wanted to see my licenses that I had for all the giant fresh killed critters in my garage and I showed them. Showed them more than they asked even, and tried to give them some moose meat to take home, but they refused. They didn't write any tickets, because there was nothing to write them for. Had there been something afoul, I'd have been cited, that's for sure.

You must have a crush on a game warden somewhere, funny that most are men. Are you a limp-wristed pillow biter? Not that I have anything against your type - just curious.
You are one smart mouthed SOB! If they didn't have a search warrant you were not obligated to let them on your premises and you didn't say you invited them on your property. If you had said no when they asked permission, they probably either had one with them or would have left one guy near your place while the other went and got one. To answer your other stupid questions: Nope, no crushes and I'm not limp wristed, but I was in law enforcement for over 30 years and dealt with more than a few smartazz jackasses like you appear to be the more you post!!!
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You are one smart mouthed SOB! If they didn't have a search warrant you were not obligated to let them on your premises and you didn't say you invited them on your property. If you had said no when they asked permission, they probably either had one with them or would have left one guy near your place while the other went and got one. To answer your other stupid questions: Nope, no crushes and I'm not limp wristed, but I was in law enforcement for over 30 years and dealt with more than a few smartazz jackasses like you appear to be the more you post!!!

You really seem like an angry person for it being Christmas.
Most were sexually abused as children and have low self-esteem. :D

Wow, that's mature. I'm sure anyone that has experienced abuse, or had a family member experience really appreciates your comment.
I'm not limp wristed, but I was in law enforcement for over 30 years and dealt with more than a few smartazz jackasses like you appear to be the more you post!!!

Oh, so you can relate. Did they require a high school diploma back in the day to become a cop? You like to assert your dominance from the looks of it. You can take the cop out of the DB, but you can take the DB out of the cop. I bet anal probing people that recognized your utter DBery was your favorite pasttime.

JLS you're right, bad form. My apologies.
So did he do anything "illegal"? I'll put $100 down that says if he did, he got cited. A warden just isn't going to let that go.. after all, it's a lighted nock. That's almost like spotlighting deer out of season.

And for the record I've met LOTS of good FWP and Wyoming game and fish folks.. and cops. :D
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I can only imagine the rumors that have been said over the years about Greenhorn. It seems like if a guy kills big chit on a regular basis the town will talk.

I've never had a bad experience with Game Wardens, but cops on the other hand, well.......

Let's just say they do not like it when you rip up a ticket and throw it in their face.
once again it appears that most of you do not have enough to do.... Michael came to my place right after the hunt took place for said elk.... funny thing about the Reservation....he hunted w/ an Native guide....on the Res...which has no stupid rule against illuminated knocks....which if you are shooting a modern compound bow should be required(imo)....still wonder why no ticket was written? cause no laws were broken.
once again it appears that most of you do not have enough to do.... Michael came to my place right after the hunt took place for said elk.... funny thing about the Reservation....he hunted w/ an Native guide....on the Res...which has no stupid rule against illuminated knocks....which if you are shooting a modern compound bow should be required(imo)....still wonder why no ticket was written? cause no laws were broken.

Hey man I hear ya. At least he did CG a bunch of different bulls. He was one and done!
Talk about some Douche-baggery. CritterGetter, you take the cake on Christmas. Classic case of diarrhea of the keyboard. This thread is exactly what is wrong with internet forums and this site in particular.

He killed the elk on the reservation where lighted nocks are 100% LEGAL. End of story.

CG are you going to personally write Mr Wadell and apologize for slandering him? Im guessing not. What happened, feeling to good about yourself during the holidays and needed to knock someone down? Its to bad the owner of this site doesn't suspend or delete accounts for posts like that.
good grief....apparently my last concussion has taken a toll......i "spelt" "nocks"...w/ a "k"..and instead of "a Native" I used "an Native"....perhaps I am as remidial as those I poke fun at....
I wasn't going to chime in but I can never shut up. Ok, I know your anwers will be "he should know the rules", "ignorance is no excuse", etc., etc. etc. And it turns out this was 100% legal. But, would you REALLY turn in someone because they had a stupid lighted nock? Really? If it was a case of shooting an animal out of season, wrong tag, poaching, wrong weapon, whatever, I can support it 100%. But for a small, stupid infraction like a lighted nock??? It's not even a competitive advantage fer chrissakes. There are rules, then there are RULES.

I wasn't going to chime in but I can never shut up. Ok, I know your anwers will be "he should know the rules", "ignorance is no excuse", etc., etc. etc. And it turns out this was 100% legal. But, would you REALLY turn in someone because they had a stupid lighted nock? Really? If it was a case of shooting an animal out of season, wrong tag, poaching, wrong weapon, whatever, I can support it 100%. But for a small, stupid infraction like a lighted nock??? It's not even a competitive advantage fer chrissakes. There are rules, then there are RULES.


We like to eat or own and really love it when a celebrity gets caught with their pants down. Makes our dislike for them justified :D
I wasn't going to chime in but I can never shut up. Ok, I know your anwers will be "he should know the rules", "ignorance is no excuse", etc., etc. etc. And it turns out this was 100% legal. But, would you REALLY turn in someone because they had a stupid lighted nock? Really? If it was a case of shooting an animal out of season, wrong tag, poaching, wrong weapon, whatever, I can support it 100%. But for a small, stupid infraction like a lighted nock??? It's not even a competitive advantage fer chrissakes. There are rules, then there are RULES.


The lighted nocks are illegal to use in Montana. As far as the reservation is concerned...they could kill animals with hand gernades and rockets, I couldnt really care less if I tried.

The bowhunters in Montana decided to draw a line, that line said no lighted anything on a bow or arrow.

End of story...what you view as a minor infraction of the law has no bearing on the reason or validity of the law.

I can assure you that I could find hundreds of Montana Hunters who think that the law against party hunting is ridiculous...I mean theres rules, then there are RULES. Why shouldnt I be able to fill 10 bull elk tags a year in Montana for all my relatives?

You'd be shocked if you knew how common party hunting was in Montana. These people justify their actions exactly the same way...well, yeah its a rule...but....

Same thing with illegal ATV use...well, yeah, I know I shouldnt drive them off road, but....

Where does it end? IMO, it ends in the regulations. The regulation regarding lighted nocks is crystal clear and should be enforced just like any other game law.
If you read the OP, CG is not exactly making any super critical remarks. Just wondered if anyone knew if the FWP made a call.

Some nice Holiday spirit on this thread! Jeebus.

+1 Buzz.
Oh, so you can relate. Did they require a high school diploma back in the day to become a cop? You like to assert your dominance from the looks of it. You can take the cop out of the DB, but you can take the DB out of the cop. I bet anal probing people that recognized your utter DBery was your favorite pasttime.

JLS you're right, bad form. My apologies.

Who said I was a cop? I said I was in law enforcement and there are many kinds of LE jobs that don't require packing a piece! Before that I did three years in the Army Vet Corp just so you can say whatever you want here in the good old US of A! However, that doesn't mean I can't also respond to it.

And to answer the comment by JC--- What difference does it make what day it is to respond to someone making ridiculous, demeaning comments about or to somebody he doesn't know from a can of paint?
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