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Waddells illegal bull?

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When you lived in Wyoming you didnt act like a douchebag...lack of sunlight rotting your brain???

I personally dont find anything CG did on his sheep and grizzly hunt that needs to be questioned by you. Just like I dont see anything wrong with 2 people sharing a rifle and cracking sheep at 320 yards.

Just sayin'...
Your jealousy runs as green as can be.

I bet you have wounded more animals than Critter, but are not man enough to admit ever wounding an animal!!! Get a life!!!

I'd take that bet. How much you want to bet? I wounded a deer once. Sure is a big difference between a 17 year old kid doing it and 30 year old...........:D

Jealousy has nothing to do with CG'ing animals.

I just submitted CG'ing to urban dictionary.

When you lived in Wyoming you didnt act like a douchebag...lack of sunlight rotting your brain???

I personally dont find anything CG did on his sheep and grizzly hunt that needs to be questioned by you. Just like I dont see anything wrong with 2 people sharing a rifle and cracking sheep at 320 yards.

Just sayin'...
If you add 320yd + 320yd you get 640yd:eek:

When you lived in Wyoming you didnt act like a douchebag...lack of sunlight rotting your brain???.

You might be on to something there ;). All I'm saying is don't try to come off as an angel and call someone out over lighted nocks and then get mad if someone calls you out over numerous wounded animals.

Wyodeerhuntering- To follow someone from thread to thread harassing them to fill the empty hole inside your self.

Example; I don't like this guy online because he's Jewish so I wyodeerhuntered him for a year.

Wyodeerhuntering- To follow someone from thread to thread harassing them to fill the empty hole inside your self.

Example; I don't like this guy online because he's Jewish so I wyodeerhuntered him for a year.

Flattering. It really is. Oh thats right I hurt you a couple months ago. So are you Wyodeerhuntering?

If you ask CG (the person) it's cuz I'm an overpaid worker with too much time on my hands ;)
You might be on to something there ;). All I'm saying is don't try to come off as an angel and call someone out over lighted nocks and then get mad if someone calls you out over numerous wounded animals.

Wow dude, pretty awesome that you are so super smart that we have never met, never hunted together, and never talked......yet you have some super power that automatically tells you how many animals I've shot at in my time?? Nope.....none.

I shot at 4 bulls in one week and never came home with one. None were unethical shots, too far, or anthing else. I can't explain why I was missing my mark but but they weren't all wounded either as you are indicating. 1 was, I punched my tag and went home EARLY because of it. And I'm sure its this week long incident is what you are referring too...

If you have only shot and lost one animal in your entire career, it was either a short career, you didn't shoot much, or your full of chit.... I'm guessing we all know which it is...

You shooting and wounding an animal one year is much different than someone else doing it another year?? WTF, you are a jackwagon...

As to Az. G&F enforcing the newer travel/camping regs now in effect in U.S. forests within Arizona >>> from what I've come to understand those regs are federal rather than state in nature. Therefore enforcement comes under the jurisdiction of federal rather than state personnel (I think our Az. wildlife officers have plenty to take care of without having to worry about measuring your camping location from a road, etc.) ...

Migratory birds are under federal jurisdiction, too - I know game officers can cite for violations involving them, so I'm not 100% sure where the line is drawn. My understanding on AZGFD involvement wrt TMPs in National Forests within AZ - from the game officers I spoke to - was that they did have authority to enforce the rules, but were choosing not to. That might not be the case, but I did hear the same version from several of them.

The TMPs have problems above and beyond who will enforce them, as I'm sure you know as well as anyone, but my issue is more with LEOs publicly stating they won't enforce laws. I think it sends a poor message wrt rules/laws in general.

In other news, this thread has gone to hell in a hurry. Must be cabin fever setting in on some folks.
Flattering. It really is. Oh thats right I hurt you a couple months ago. So are you Wyodeerhuntering?

If you ask CG (the person) it's cuz I'm an overpaid worker with too much time on my hands ;)

Ah, yes......still upset with the fact that you are a union guy and you have had different experiences with unions than I have.......

When you lived in Wyoming you didnt act like a douchebag...lack of sunlight rotting your brain???

I personally dont find anything CG did on his sheep and grizzly hunt that needs to be questioned by you. Just like I dont see anything wrong with 2 people sharing a rifle and cracking sheep at 320 yards.

Just sayin'...

Apparently when you move to AK you get way cooler than your old friends back home and think its cool to throw them all under the bus....
Wow dude, pretty awesome that you are so super smart that we have never met, never hunted together, and never talked......yet you have some super power that automatically tells you how many animals I've shot at in my time?? Nope.....none.

I shot at 4 bulls in one week and never came home with one. None were unethical shots, too far, or anthing else. I can't explain why I was missing my mark but but they weren't all wounded either as you are indicating. 1 was, I punched my tag and went home EARLY because of it. And I'm sure its this week long incident is what you are referring too...

If you have only shot and lost one animal in your entire career, it was either a short career, you didn't shoot much, or your full of chit.... I'm guessing we all know which it is...

You shooting and wounding an animal one year is much different than someone else doing it another year?? WTF, you are a jackwagon...

The scary part of this is you can't believe that a guy has only CG one animal in his life? Wow. I guess in the circles you run in numerous CG'ing of animals in your past and present is normal. Not mine. In fact my closest hunting buddy has also only CG one animal in his life too. And another buddy has only one. And I know lots of guys that haven't CG an animal.

Maybe it's just you and your crew. The CG crew. You guys ride around in a jackwagon CGing animals. Hey whatever floats your boat. I'm not going to start a thread accusing you of it ;)

I have no super powers. Well to you maybe I do. I don't CG animals. But as far as intel I'll sooner believe the stories I hear about from MT shed hunters and also close friends who share the same beliefs I do.....and they don't CG animals.

JackWagon? I like it. I'm going to be using that one a lot more.
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Apparently when you move to AK you get way cooler than your old friends back home and think its cool to throw them all under the bus....

Actually most of my intel is from a MT shed hunter/seller/buyer. I was able to put the pieces together after I found out your last name.

Maybe BuzzH is right and AK has made me into a #@$@#. I owe you an apology CG....

I'm sorry you CG so many animals. But it is none of my business. After all, being a lousy shot isn't against the law like lighted nocks are. So I'm sorry.
I'm so confused???? Is "CG" being used as a verb or an adjective in these posts above?

I wonder how long it will take the term "CG" and all its forms to end up in the Urban Dictionary.
I haven't locked but one thread in my five years of owning this joint, and now I get to lock two of them in twelve hours.

Warning to the jackasses who cannot come here and engage in civil discussion. My tolerance level is gone.

The next time one dipwhit goes over the line, the entire list of dipwhits is going down with the ship. That list of dipwhits has grown substanitally over the last month. I don't really care if you have a place to go and take out pre-adolescent frustrations, so get over it, or move on.

If anyone wants to be a smart ass, go do it at the bar where people can easily correct such behavior. When you complete your tooth inventory the following morning, maybe you will be capable of engaging in worthwhile conversation.

Notice to any new members. Things are not normally to this degree of infantile behavior. Not sure if it is the fact that a few of the adult-aged children of this tribe are upset that the Mayans missed their prediction, or what has them to this level of indecency. Regardless of the reasons, ignorant behavior will not be tolerated any longer, no matter the tenure of the person exhibiting such.

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