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Waddells illegal bull?

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My problem is much more with the announcing it - and especially to kids - than their approach. The TMP in AZ is fraught with problems and pretty knuckleheaded in design, although I like the general idea behind it and followed it on my hunts despite being put at a disadvantage to those who did not.

How does a state warden enforce a federal statute? Is there a state violation (travel plan) as well? Just curious.
I watched that episode last summer and posted about it on here. I believe that outfitters land borders a Indian reservation but is not on it. I emailed Waddell on facebook and Realtree a few times. I was very nice just informing them about lighted nocks and gave them a reference to the regs. Never got any response from anybody. Says to me he was guilty.
I have video of that tool saying he is in Montana and on his first day smokes a bull at first light with lighted knocks. I thought the same thing.
If he broke a law and put it on TV, cold chance in hell of him not being cited, even for a regulation that retarded. Most game wardens froth at the mouth for a chance at any citation, much less something more worthy of their morning coffee talks.
"Most game wardens froth at the mouth for a chance at any citation, much less something more worthy of their morning coffee talks."

What a bunch of BS that sentence contains!!!
"Most game wardens froth at the mouth for a chance at any citation, much less something more worthy of their morning coffee talks."

What a bunch of BS that sentence contains!!!

Accurate as my shooting. Last experience at a check station in Wyoming took me an hour while some little dickhead warden anal probed me & my 9 year old looking for a reason to cite me with two pronghorns in the back. He didn't succeed in anything but making a young boy think wardens are assholes. Most- but not all, are total tools. Merry Christmas.
"Accurate as my shooting. Last experience at a check station in Wyoming took me an hour while some little dickhead warden anal probed me & my 9 year old looking for a reason to cite me with two pronghorns in the back. He didn't succeed in anything but making a young boy think wardens are assholes. Most- but not all, are total tools."

You better check your shooting ability then too, LOL! You're the first person that I've heard say anything negative about the way a Wyoming G&F Warden has treated them and even if you had a problem one time doesn't mean bullsquat about the others Wardens Maybe it was a bad attitude on your part or maybe you were giving bad vibes and caused him to figure something was amiss. One time does not equate into your dissing all officers, even if what you mentioned is acccurate.
A guy and his 9 year old son with 2 outstanding bucks in the back.. must have been something illegal. He took a 5 minute break from the interrogation, to ump in his rig, get to 95mph and chase down an RV that went by without stopping, only to find they were not hunters. His douchbaggery had nothing to do with my attitude. I was nice as pie, because I didn't want him to confiscate my friend's antelope for any BS reason.

In 1995, same part of WY, 2 days prior to deer season, a warden chased me and a buddy down.. I mean he was flat-out tearing arcross the prairie to stop us. He checked us out, looked through our stuff and demanded to see our licenses, even though we were not hunting, season wasn't open. Dick-weed.. no doubt.

I checked a bear with an older warden from Cody once... solid, A+ dude. They all ain't, not even close.

I've run into wardens often, and usually they are ok. But if they've got a reason to bust somebody.. 99 out of 100 times, they are writing a ticket regardless of how trivial.

If you haven't been anal probed by a warden, they you haven't hunted much.

Point is, I'd bet if Waddel had 399 1/2 square inches of orange on while rifle hunting in MT, and a warden could prove he was 1/2" short - he'd have got a ticket.

And really.. who gives a crap if he used a lighted arrow nock - other than a warden?
My son is more respectful, polite, and solid of a young man than I've ever met at 12. I just asked him what he thought of game wardens - and why. Just wish I had my phone video recording it. Funny stuff.
A guy and his 9 year old son with 2 outstanding bucks in the back.. must have been something illegal. He took a 5 minute break from the interrogation, to ump in his rig, get to 95mph and chase down an RV that went by without stopping, only to find they were not hunters. His douchbaggery had nothing to do with my attitude. I was nice as pie, because I didn't want him to confiscate my friend's antelope for any BS reason.

In 1995, same part of WY, 2 days prior to deer season, a warden chased me and a buddy down.. I mean he was flat-out tearing arcross the prairie to stop us. He checked us out, looked through our stuff and demanded to see our licenses, even though we were not hunting, season wasn't open. Dick-weed.. no doubt.

I checked a bear with an older warden from Cody once... solid, A+ dude. They all ain't, not even close.

I've run into wardens often, and usually they are ok. But if they've got a reason to bust somebody.. 99 out of 100 times, they are writing a ticket regardless of how trivial.

If you haven't been anal probed by a warden, they you haven't hunted much.

Point is, I'd bet if Waddel had 399 1/2 square inches of orange on while rifle hunting in MT, and a warden could prove he was 1/2" short - he'd have got a ticket.

And really.. who gives a crap if he used a lighted arrow nock - other than a warden?

Maybe you need to learn to wave.
I agree with Greenhorn, I have met many and all but two of them have been very "attacking" in the way they presented themselves to me.I shouldn't have to explain my innocence to everyone of them. The worst I ever experienced was mountain lion hunting 2am in the middle of no where. Game warden stops us and freaks out because we have spotlights and and a bunch of .22, .17, and a .223. Well it took three hours of interrogating by this guy and his 2 other wardens that showed up for back-up before I could convince them Im simply looking for tracks in the snow. That night pissed me off very bad, almost as much as the time a miles city game warden drove to my house to Southwest MT to ask me why a shot a ranchers cow out their antelope hunting. Turns out I was hunting out east two weeks before the cow even showed up dead and on a ranch 40 miles away. But she was hell-bent that somehow I must have killed that cow.
So I guess you two also had a bad teacher in your 12 years of schooling (I'm assuming you graduated) and that makes them all bad too! FYI I''ve hunted out in Wyoming almost every year since 1992 and have NEVER run into a bad one yet, nor a couple of game biologists that I ran into. I know they have a tough job and I look forward to seeing them on the job, give a big wave when I see them, and if they stop to do their job it has always ended up in a cordial conversation and some good information given out by them. Maybe one or both of you give out some bad vibes and that makes them suspicious. Who knows, but as I stated everyone on various sites I visit always speak very highly of the Wyoming Wardens they have met. I have no idea how it is in Montana, so maybe some others from there can chime in one way or the other on experiences they've had.
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I have to agree with Greenhorn. While there have certainly been some good, the majority of my experiences have not been good. I do feel most have the attitude that everyone is guilty and their job is to find out.

Most recently, two years ago, opening day of pheasant season. I'm driving home from a family trip. I see a check station ahead but not hunting, I drive by. A mile down the road, I get pulled over. I proceed to tell the warden, I'm on a family trip and not hunting. He looks right at me and said "I don't like your attitude". He asked if I had any guns and I said no, I'm on a family trip. So he proceeds to look inside my vehicle with my wife and kids there, then looks in the bed of the truck. Then asks again if I have any guns. I was fired up and yelled No I'm on a family trip!!!. He glares at me for a few minutes, then said "Carry on". I sent a message to the chief warden when I got home but never even got the courtesy of a reply.

Another instance, a buddy had killed a great deer. We had the skull in front of the wall tent and the meat about 75 yards away in the shade. The tag was with the meat, like it is supposed to be. We get back to the tent from hunting and there is a note on the tent saying "to claim the deer, bring the meat/tag to his address 45 MILES away. It sure pisses a guy off when you are 100% legal but feel you have to prove innocence as often as they make you.

I won't say they are all bad but I've seen my share that makes my general opinion not so good. Talking to some of the old timers I know, they say there was a definite change in attitude once wardens were allowed to carry guns.
I love it when they team up and do the "good cop - bad cop" gig. Had them do that as they searched my garage on a hot tip a few years back. It was pretty funny..

You're often guilty until proven innocent. That's why I usually take the road less travelled or drive home at night. Most the check stations I stop at are great, unless a warden's around trying to assert his dominance.

Good buddy of mine went through a degree in f&w management, only to bail on being a warden after 6 months working for the FWP. "I can't be a dickhead like that for a career." :D

Hey wardens, it's Christmas and I'm headed out to kill something... come get me!
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Today, 01:49 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 4,743
I love it when they team up and do the "good cop - bad cop" gig. Had them do that as they searched my garage on a hot tip a few years back. It was pretty funny.
You're often guilty until proven innocent. That's why I usually take the road less travelled or drive home at night. Most the check stations I stop at are great, unless a warden's around trying to assert his dominance. Most were sexually abused as children and have low self-esteem.
Good buddy of mine went through a degree in f&w management, only to bail on being a warden after 6 months working for the FWP. "I can't be a dickhead like that for a career."
Hey wardens, it's Christmas and I'm headed out to kill something... come get me!

***The more you shoot your mouth off, the more I can understand why you have problems with LE! It takes pretty good, solid information from someone to have a Judge issue a search warrant for a Warden to come to your home. Then you end that post with a real smartazz comment and come back again with another STUPID comment! Maybe you are a violator and deserve the third degree and to get busted if you're violating the law!
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