Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Very, Very NOT right

Where does a 13 or 14 year old from Central or South America vote in this country? Nowhere, they become dependent upon the system that Obama and Reid want in their New America. If you have a debt like we do running in the Trillions, why spend all this money on future problems that we will have with these fence jumpers.
If you want an immigration system to work for us you need to qualify if that person will be a benefit to us as a society, instead they have told Immigration officers to just let them through and ignore the laws already on the books. You just cannot justify Obama on this. John
Obama is a joke and is destroying the very fabric of this country. He has no intention of slowing the flow of illegals, as that is the future of the democrat party. Harry Reid is corrupt and is in step with out incompetent king.

It appalls me to see outdoorsmen, hunters, shooters etc. of supposedly decent moral standing support anything this clown show is doing. It is pretty hypocritical in my book.
Obama is a joke and is destroying the very fabric of this country. He has no intention of slowing the flow of illegals, as that is the future of the democrat party. Harry Reid is corrupt and is in step with out incompetent king.

It appalls me to see outdoorsmen, hunters, shooters etc. of supposedly decent moral standing support anything this clown show is doing. It is pretty hypocritical in my book.

The flow at the border is a bipartisan problem. If the idea is to get more people to vote Dem by letting them cross the border it seems odd that the last Republican president signed the law that makes us deal with minors crossing the border.

I think throwing the term "hypocritical" around is usually a sign that you are losing an argument. What exactly does being an outdoorsman have to do with any of this?

Do you support everything the Republicans do?

Obama is a joke and is destroying the very fabric of this country. He has no intention of slowing the flow of illegals, as that is the future of the democrat party. Harry Reid is corrupt and is in step with out incompetent king.

It appalls me to see outdoorsmen, hunters, shooters etc. of supposedly decent moral standing support anything this clown show is doing. It is pretty hypocritical in my book.

With all due respect, this is why Hillary will be president in 2016.

Keep making the tent smaller and you will lose even more support.
The border issue also has real issues that affect hunters, outdoorsmen, etc. Real ID waived most environmental laws on the southern border (I think within 100 miles). This wasn't even needed as agents can trail suspects into protected areas - it was just a chipping away of protections. The Rs in the House almost unanimously passed HR1505 which would have done the same thing to the northern border, allowing homeland security to, among other things, build a road right through The Bob Marshall Wilderness "to protect National Security...". You know oil and timber would become "crucial to our National Security" some time in the future courtesy of this sleeping beast.

The border issue also affects our fourth amendment rights and the inalienable right of liberty - Border Patrol can already search and seize without warrant or cause 100 miles from the board - that is a huge amount of our population at risk to this sleeping abuse of power. There is no way you can stop the flow of these desperate people short of becoming a police state. It is simply a political issue and unfortunately the folks who want a hard stance would give up far more freedoms than we currently lose from the immigrants. Madison warned that a "foreign threat" was how we would lose our freedoms, and here we have it. Be careful what you wish for...
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With all due respect, this is why Hillary will be president in 2016.

Keep making the tent smaller and you will lose even more support.

Ben: You hit a "HOME RUN" with the above statement. I often disagree with your viewpoint, however, on the above statement (that you made) I agree 100%.

Liberals will alter (lessen) their values in order to accommodate others. Conservatives will stick to the values that they hold true. I would rather stick to my values & beliefs (and lose and election) then adopt values & beliefs that I do not believe in just to have a "bigger tent" and win an election. If it's Hillary.. then so be it. I will be able to sleep at night knowing my values are true to myself.

good luck to all
the dog
What exactly are her qualifications for the job? She is more out of touch with the American public than anyone. Not sure how she is a representative to any constituent. I guess if I don't vote for her I'll be a sexist instead of a racist. Here is an idea, why dont we just vote for the independent so we can get rid of the gridlock? Seems better than electing another "polarizing" individual.
What exactly are her qualifications for the job? She is more out of touch with the American public than anyone. Not sure how she is a representative to any constituent. I guess if I don't vote for her I'll be a sexist instead of a racist. Here is an idea, why dont we just vote for the independent so we can get rid of the gridlock? Seems better than electing another "polarizing" individual.

You get to vote for the candidates that the parties put forward. In all likelihood, the base of the party will elect Hillary. That base is increasingly larger with GOP attempts to alienate women & other people who aren't aging white dudes.
This is an issue for hunters if you want to hunt safely by the border on "our" land.
Ben: You hit a "HOME RUN" with the above statement. I often disagree with your viewpoint, however, on the above statement (that you made) I agree 100%.

Liberals will alter (lessen) their values in order to accommodate others. Conservatives will stick to the values that they hold true. I would rather stick to my values & beliefs (and lose and election) then adopt values & beliefs that I do not believe in just to have a "bigger tent" and win an election. If it's Hillary.. then so be it. I will be able to sleep at night knowing my values are true to myself.

good luck to all
the dog

That's one way to look at it. Another way is this: By tightening down control on one party to the point where they willingly exclude people who have 70-80% of the same values you share, you only end up making yourself irrelevant. Something will replace you.

America was founded on the principles of compromise and working together across ideological divides to find the best solution forward for all. That's the beauty of our National Motto: E. Pluribus Unum: Out of many, 1.

Look at the vigorous debates between Adams and Jefferson, Hamilton and Burr (which was a fun way to bring to life the difference between federalists and non-centralized gov't forces). We have always been a nation that values honest debate and the ability to work together despite our differences. When one party abandons that, they abandon the true American ideals.

Compromise isn't a dirty word. It's a necessity in order to keep this nation intact.
This is an issue for hunters if you want to hunt safely by the border on "our" land.
Then carry a damn gun and hunt during the day... the implications of the police state required to satisfy the far right are far worse than the problem itself. We already have a far bigger sleeping beast than most people realize.
Then carry a damn gun and hunt during the day... the implications of the police state required to satisfy the far right are far worse than the problem itself. We already have a far bigger sleeping beast than most people realize.

I'm sure you won't mind if the Government relocates them all to Montana right?
I'm sure you won't mind if the Government relocates them all to Montana right?

You don't get it. I don't like illegals, but the solution being advanced by the far right is far worse in terms of our freedoms. Ever wonder why the phrase "live free or die" came about? Why did we need the bill of rights? Why did Madison warn us about giving up our freedoms under the guise of a foreign threat? It is because these decisions are not easy and we need guiding principles to avoid the problems caused by politicians preying on the fears of their voters.

[edit... fbo NHY, I don't know that the D's have advanced a good solution either, but they seem to acknowledge the difficulty of stopping it completely]
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Rob, solution? no,... plan?........let's just say the D's most certainly realize the efficacy of cultivating an obligated burgeoning constituency..ID's to vote???, how humiliating...

Maybe Hillary will listen to Bill...
You get to vote for the candidates that the parties put forward. In all likelihood, the base of the party will elect Hillary. That base is increasingly larger with GOP attempts to alienate women & other people who aren't aging white dudes.

This myth of Republicans waging a "war on women" is just disgusting and untrue. The media spin and liberal propaganda is absurd. For example, recent supreme Court ruling regarding Hobby Lobby. Democrats are already telling lies about a decent corporation. Apparently the left is OK if an insurance company tells a patient they won't cover a medication or procedures but if the company footing the bill wants to exclude the morning after pill and 2 IUD's but cover most every other form of birth control, the media and Hillary won't tell the truth. Instead, they use it as an opportunity to bash Republicans when this is a supreme Court ruling. And everyone buys it, all Republicans hate women when in fact, it is quite the opposite.
What police state? Smaller govt that doesn't sick the IRS on it's political opisition. That sounds terrifying!!!
You ought to read up on the powers the border patrol/homeland security currently have... it is a beast waiting for a president to abuse.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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