Ultimate Marriage Test

I can spend ten minutes trying to point out an animal on an open hill side and my wife never see them. Garage sale sign, she will spot them five blocks down a side street.
To be fair, that door swings both ways. My wife always complains that I can see an elk or a deer on a hillside miles away, but can’t see the pickles behind the mustard in the fridge.
I can spend ten minutes trying to point out an animal on an open hill side and my wife will never see them. Garage sale sign, she will spot them five blocks down a side street.

Trust me I've heard the stories haha

Just like when your wife is really looking forward to going as Frida Kahlo and and you going as Diego Rivera to her coworker’s Halloween party, but you know in your heart that matching Halloween costumes are for suckers, so you shave off your beard (the one your wife has never seen you without in over 10 years of marriage) put on some makeup and a dress, and come out of the bathroom as “Mrs. Krinklesworth, The Substitute Teacher.” And for some reason she’s not cool with it.

Everyone can relate to that.

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That is an absolutely beautiful family photo.
Christmas shopping was right behind yard sales for trying my patience. A close run thing. At least the yard sales were outside. Spending all day elbow to elbow in stale shopping mall air wiped me out.

Just like when your wife is really looking forward to going as Frida Kahlo and and you going as Diego Rivera to her coworker’s Halloween party, but you know in your heart that matching Halloween costumes are for suckers, so you shave off your beard (the one your wife has never seen you without in over 10 years of marriage) put on some makeup and a dress, and come out of the bathroom as “Mrs. Krinklesworth, The Substitute Teacher.” And for some reason she’s not cool with it.

Everyone can relate to that.

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This is amazing
On our honeymoon to the Bahamas I convinced my wife that tandem kayaking would be a great idea. Especially since the bottoms are clear and see through.
The guide goes over how to paddle and the details of the trip. I explain to her that I will paddle in a steady rhythm and she just needs to match it with me. After about 5 minutes of her paddle hitting mine, patience was lost. I told her to put the paddle down and I will do all the work, as it is better than her dang paddle hitting mine every 3 seconds.
Probably ended up traveling a mile round trip, and I can't be the guy lagging behind if I want to keep my man card. So I'm fighting for my life, giving it all I got to keep up with what would normally be a very nice steady pace.
I know why nobody else picked a tandem now
There is really nothing like “splitting the driving” on a 34 hour trip and by split I mean I got the joy of 33 hours behind the wheel and 0 hours in charge of the radio.
Nope in our trucks, the person who is driving gets first choice on the radio and first shot at the snacks.
I can spend ten minutes trying to point out an animal on an open hill side and my wife will never see them.
That's too funny, and the conversation is usually like
"It's next to the tree."
"The hill side is covered in trees."
"You see that rock? It's the tree just to the right."

Etc. But it's about 50/50 on who's trying to see the deer.

Teaching skiing, rowing, or flycasting is a test. I was trying to teach my wife how to ski powder and she fell and twisted her knee. We went to the lodge to warm up and she insisted I go out and enjoy the rest of the powder day. Ten F'n years later she tells me what a rotten person I am because of that time I left her in the lodge and went skiing!

At least I knew enough not to say "No friends on a powder day."
That's too funny, and the conversation is usually like
"It's next to the tree."
"The hill side is covered in trees."
"You see that rock? It's the tree just to the right."

Etc. But it's about 50/50 on who's trying to see the deer.

Teaching skiing, rowing, or flycasting is a test. I was trying to teach my wife how to ski powder and she fell and twisted her knee. We went to the lodge to warm up and she insisted I go out and enjoy the rest of the powder day. Ten F'n years later she tells me what a rotten person I am because of that time I left her in the lodge and went skiing!

At least I knew enough not to say "No friends on a powder day."
Yeah, fly casting is a test.
Mostly because I am a rotten teacher and get annoyed.
On our honeymoon to the Bahamas I convinced my wife that tandem kayaking would be a great idea. Especially since the bottoms are clear and see through.
The guide goes over how to paddle and the details of the trip. I explain to her that I will paddle in a steady rhythm and she just needs to match it with me. After about 5 minutes of her paddle hitting mine, patience was lost. I told her to put the paddle down and I will do all the work, as it is better than her dang paddle hitting mine every 3 seconds.
Probably ended up traveling a mile round trip, and I can't be the guy lagging behind if I want to keep my man card. So I'm fighting for my life, giving it all I got to keep up with what would normally be a very nice steady pace.
I know why nobody else picked a tandem now
I managed to arrange to camping trip with my HS unicorn just after graduation, and made the mistake of setting us up in a tandem. Every paddle stork she ended it with a little "flick" that placed a perfect stream of seawater right across my face.

Also thinking it would be a great idea to split the responsibility, I gave her the map and compass. So after about 15 minutes she basically stopped paddling all together and would just point left, so I'd angle that way, then she'd point right, so I'd angle that way, then back left... and so on for 6-ish hrs. And each time she issued to revised direction she'd act like I was a total idiot, at first with sarcasm... then not.

We survived the trip but it turns out I don't like unicorns anymore
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