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Tire Maker Joins Forces With Anti-Hunting Group


New member
Jun 13, 2002
Boise, Idaho, U.S.A.
From the US Sportsman's Alliance website. I know nothing about this organization, maybe someone else does and can shed some light on where they stand on land use issues.

Tire Maker Joins Forces With Anti-Hunting Group


A leading tire manufacturer, Michelin, has entered into a partnership with a national anti-hunting group. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, the country’s leading sportsmen advocacy organization, is urging outdoorsmen to contact Michelin to oppose its funding of the American Humane Association (AHA).

Michelin is donating $5 from every Michelin Man bobble head distributed between May 1 and June 25 to the AHA. The bobble heads are sold for $17.75 online and are available free with the purchase of new Michelin brand passenger and light truck tires.

“Michelin’s donation is earmarked for the Red Star Emergency Services Division of the American Humane Association,” said Bud Pidgeon, U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance president. “Whereas this might be a legitimate animal welfare program, sportsmen must make Michelin aware that every dollar corporate America provides to fund animal rights groups’ programs represents money that is freed up for use in national campaigns to end hunting and trapping.”

The AHA opposes all hunting and trapping. Among its recent anti-hunting positions:
  • Support for 2003 federal legislation to ban black bear hunting using bait, a proven wildlife management tool used in ten states.</font>
  • Urging its supporters to oppose Maryland’s black bear hunt, scheduled for Autumn 2004, to control the state’s escalating bear population.</font>
  • And support for legislation in Congress and at the state level in Maryland to ban trapping.</font>
On its website, the AHA has a policy statement saying “American Humane opposes the hunting of any living creature for fun, trophy, or for simple sport.”

Take Action! Sportsmen should contact Michelin North America and tell the company that its promotion of the AHA, an anti-hunting organization, is unacceptable to sportsmen across the nation and should be stopped immediately. Make sure Michelin knows that the AHA has an agenda to end America’s outdoor heritage, thus destroying over 100 years of wildlife conservation practices.

Send your comments to Mr. James Micali, Chairman and President, Michelin North America, Inc., 1 Parkway South, Greenville, SC, 29615. Phone (864) 458-5000. Fax (864) 458-6359. Toll Free (800) 847-3435.

Keep in mind that the best way to make an impression is to send messages using the telephone or a fax machine. Phones ringing off the hook and busy fax machines make poignant statements.


Information on this website can be reprinted with a citation to the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance and

For more information about how you can protect your rights as a sportsman, contact The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, 801 Kingsmill Parkway, Columbus, OH 43229. Phone (614) 888-4868. E-Mail us at [email protected]

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