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Three days till we roll out!!


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
Leaving on Tuesday to head towards Challis for Salmon B (elk) hunt. Two buddies back there right now deer hunting and seeing about an equal mix of elk, deer, and wolves at this point. Hope it’s not a traffic jam going in....good news is finally getting some rain up here in central Oregon and it’s supposed to push that way, maybe will drop the temps a bit and get some of this smoke out of the air! Just hope the knee holds out, country back there was built on its side lol.

Best of luck to everyone else whose seasons are either underway or upcoming, will try to get a few pics up next week if anything develops 👍🏻
Haven’t Been through that area since before the ‘18 fire that burned through. Was getting pretty “popular” prior to then. Left a few mssgs with the local biologist to pick his mind on a few suggestions of where to go (and even more so where to avoid) but never heard back. Late jump on the prep this year as i thought the knee debridement and subsequent PT wasn’t honing to allow me to descend the vert in that area but WTF you only live to hunt once right lol... I’ll be the old timer in the bunch, will use the youngsters as the mules 😉
Leaving on Tuesday to head towards Challis for Salmon B (elk) hunt. Two buddies back there right now deer hunting and seeing about an equal mix of elk, deer, and wolves at this point. Hope it’s not a traffic jam going in....good news is finally getting some rain up here in central Oregon and it’s supposed to push that way, maybe will drop the temps a bit and get some of this smoke out of the air! Just hope the knee holds out, country back there was built on its side lol.

Best of luck to everyone else whose seasons are either underway or upcoming, will try to get a few pics up next week if anything develops 👍🏻
See you there, we head out the 17th. Should be a zoo but still fun!

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