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Thanks for the offer Ovis; but, I've already seen plenty of C-130 gunships and C-130 "Bombers" as well up close and personal. I think the coolest was at Clark when we were preparing for an air show and were going to demonstrate a take off with Jet Assisted Take Off (JATO) booster bottles. They are mounted evenly on either side of the fuselage and give a tremendous thrust when kicked in allowing the aircraft to make a spectacular combat or assault take off nearly straight up. Weeeeeelllll on this particular day one of the bottles broke loose when fired and launched landing in down town Angeles City!!
We skipped the JATO in the air show!!
Talk about a mishap at an airshow. Check out what the thunderchickens treated us to here at Mounatin Home. I was working during the show so needless to say my 12 hour shift turned into 19 hours real quick.

I e-mailed Moosie the pics so hopefully he can post them for me. Nice chunk of your tax dollars going up in flame

I was in Alaska on a hunt when that happend (thank goodness). My pilot picked me up, and informed me I would be cleaning up a big mess once I got home. Have you seen the live feed of the video from within the cockpit? PM me your email address(or post it here if you don't mind) and I'll shoot it to you.

I'v e only seen a small portion of the cockpit video. I'd love to see it all. You can shoot the file to [email protected].

Have you been out chukar hunting lately? I was out last night and got a couple chukar and a hun. This snow makes for some good hunting. We'll need to get together before the season ends and give em hell. I can't make anything this weekend but next week I'm free and also plan on taking some leave during the week just to hunt. Let me know if you want to go out.


I've never been chukar hunting before. I've bumped into them during the summer when I was out hitting the hills preparing for my Alaska hunt. Might take you up on the offer. I know I am waiting to hear something back from IDF&G regarding some deer trapping on Sunday...might be busy that day anyhow.

I'll shoot you what I have of the video, not sure if it is anything you haven't seen. It really isn't that long.
I'm not sure if I have the same one, but I have a video of an AC 130G attack on a suspected Al Queda hideout on disc. If anyone wants it, let me know.. It's way too big to email, so I'll have to copy it and mail it..

Probably the same one Dan. Does it take place near a mosque? This one does.

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