Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Thieves Suck!!


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2002
I've had two cams ripped off within the last month. One wasn't locked because it was so far in I didn't expect anyone to mess with it. The one that was gone today was locked.

The thing that really gets to me is the thieves are "outdoorsmen". People don't have much for morals or values these days........
That's bullshit. Gotta be a way to catch these guys....

With ethics and morals like that, these guys are just a small step above poachers......:mad:
Bastages.... That sucks dude. I freakin hate thieves. One day I was on a late archery hunt and someone stole my 4 wheeler ramp right out of the back of my truck. One day we'll get lucky and catch the punks.
That fuggin sucks Stan! Thieves and liars...ya gott love em'
I'd pay good money to see 3 rounds with you and the bastage that ripped you off...would gain a bit of enjoyment back from the chit I've lost over the years!
Fuggers. Some day, one of these instances will result in serious violence, with good reason. I don't know how else you stop it, other than some guy gets his noggin kicked around after getting caught red handed.

I feel lucky. My public land camps were unattended for over 30 days last year, and nothing got messed with. Then again, if you took my entire camp to the pawn shop, you probably couldn't pay for the gas you burned driving out in the woods to steal it all.

My house got broken into in 2004. They caught the guy and refused to let me talk to him. I did go to the arraignment and as he was being led out of the courtroon, I walked up and told him the safest place for him was in jail. Seriously, had I been home when he broke into my house, he would have been a dead man, or have a lot of holes in his body.

The deputy made me leave, then pulled me aside and said that if I met up with this transplanted inner-city punk, no one would be in a big hurry to come to his rescue.

Result. Judge gives him deferred sentence, and he is back in court two months later for auto theft. Some how he makes bail, and never shows up for his hearing on that charge.

That whole process taught me that if Stan catches the guy, administering his own justice is the only way any justice will be served. What I wouldn't pay to see it.

People will say, "It is only a camera or two, and can be replaced." Bullchit. It is someone else's property. Regardless of what it costs, stealing property needs to be taken care of with harsh consequences. The sooner thieves start getting the shit knocked out of them, the sooner things might change. Courts sure won't do anything about it.

For the sake of society and justice, I hope you find 'em Stan. For their sake, that will be bad news.
That is unfortunatly the "Norm" these days! I have had my camp broke into this year after 7 years of nobody messing with it...no more 36" TV or heaters, ect. I even found the dudes and took the Deputies to their house! No action. Sorry about the Cameras. John
bad deal. The last thing i had stolen was my 5 wt lamniglass flyrod on the s fork of the boise. I leaned it against my pickup and went into the bushes to attend to business. While in there, I heard a vehicle stop, then go. I came back too late to even see a cloud of dust.

For your robbers, set a decoy camera up in an obvious spot. Place a tree stand at a concealed distance, and wait.

Put the kung fu grip on them stan. or maybe blunt them.
Yeah, that's extremely frustrating and disturbing. Complete lack of respect. Unfortunately, either hiding out or setting up a pair of cams (one back in the same spot and another, hidden, somewhere else) is probably the best way to catch them.
bad deal. The last thing i had stolen was my 5 wt lamniglass flyrod on the s fork of the boise. I leaned it against my pickup and went into the bushes to attend to business. While in there, I heard a vehicle stop, then go. I came back too late to even see a cloud of dust.

For your robbers, set a decoy camera up in an obvious spot. Place a tree stand at a concealed distance, and wait.

Put the kung fu grip on them stan. or maybe blunt them.

Good idea, bait them with a new camera and be waiting in a tree stand.
The only bad thing I ever did to someone elses trail cam was......................................let it take a pic of my ugly mug. It was so far from the road I thought it was a bird house. Walked right to it from 100 feet or so, I bet the guy was cussing when he got the pics.
maybe blunt them
No rubber blunts Tyson...Judo points from about the 20yd mark at 280+fps...punk'd have fun pulling those springs out of his ass!

Dink- least you were civil enough not to give 'em the moon shot :D
Wonder if they could build a gps device into them like in cell phones.. At least you could track them down and put on a little cowboy justice on there azzes.. Sorry to hear about that.
That really sucks Stan.
It occurs to me that if they were THAT far in to find the first one they were probably scouting for a tag they have. Anyway to get a list of tag holders for that unit ? It just might narrow down the list of suspects.
we have been hit quite a few times... mostly they would just destroy shit,they cleaned us out one time, got the decoys, boat motors, hip boots and took anything and everything of any value, even took a bunch of dink racks off the wall.....we installed a alarm system and video cameras.

Hope you catch the lil prick and woop his ass!
Yeah - someone broke the mirror on my car the other night, parked on the street in front of my house. Not sure how it happened, but it was not hit by another car. It was either intentionally smashed, a door swung open as someone turned off the cul-de-sac or maybe a kid on skateboard flipped his board up and hit the car. Wait a minute....when was Jose in California???? :eek: ;)

In any case, it is gonna cost me $500 deductible. Jerk-offs.
You might want to reconsider filing the insurance. The mirror can't be that expensive, can it?? If its less than $500, why file? Even if its only a little bit more than $500 it might be better to just pay the cash and not have the hit on your insurance. Just a thought.

Oh, and I agree, theives, most definately, suck!!
The estimate came in at $695. Since it is being considered vandalism, in accordance with the police report, it is a loss under the comprehensive coverage of my policy. It does not count as "points" against my policy as it was a non-driving loss.

The mirror housing has to be replaced as well as the mirror itself, and it is a mirror with the adjustment controls on the door. Also, there is a small dent on the door and the chrome trim along the bottom of the window or top of the door frame, where whatever hit the mirror bounced off and hit it. So the door has to be masked, painted and clear coated.

I dould just have the mirror replaced and live with the small dent and the gouges on the housing, but every time I looked in that mirror, I would get pissed off all over again. Besides, it is a fairly new car that was in like-new condition (and paid off) before this.
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