The Gunner's in Deep Do Do!!


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
Emergancy aid needed!!!!!

Had a wonderful weekend with Miss Debbie.

I MEAN Wonderful!!!!!!!

Put her on the plane to go back home. Smootchy, smootchy, lovey-dovey.

THEN I I f**ked up!!!!!!

Don't remember exactly how it happened, but somewhere along the line, on a cell phone call, while she was in Freezin'- Freakin' Detroit I said sumpin' really STUPID 'bout MAYBE we could loose a couple pounds from all the dining we chowed down on this weekend.


Neeeeeedless to say .....................I'm pretty much f**cked at this point!! |oo

Need help, FAST...and not from all y'all......!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Ask Wifey.

I need help and BAD!!!! :confused:

Tomorrow isn't too early....................... |oo
No, no, no, no, no. How old are you 15? That is the oldest mistake in the book!

I don't even know what to tell you dude. For starters I'm laughing too hard. If it was me, I would say give me about two days to cool off at least. Most girls aren't like me though so I'd say roses, LARGE box of chocolates, jewelry, something to that idea stat. Just for god's sake don't try to explain "what you actually meant was...", you'll only get yourself in deeper. "I was so completely wrong and out of line please forgive me" with no elaboration sounds like your best bet.

And for crying out loud, no "I love you no matter what size you are". Just no, no, no.

Sorry, still laughing.
OOPS! Shoot yerself in the fleshy part of your calf and tell her you were cleaning yer gun and it was an accident. She will feel sorry for you and forgive you. Nothing else will work and I been married 37 years. Don't hit an artery. Good luck.
Flowers Lots and lots of flowers and apologies. She will ignore the first dozen or so, but be persistant. Keep apologizing until she gets tired of hearing you beg and say to forget it.. Then send her some more flowers and go forth and F#$% up no more..

Bottom line if you said that , then she needs it so make her loose the weight. Tell her that too.

Then if your able to pick yourself off the floor in 6 weeks, grab some money and sleep in a hotel for a week or 2 till she cools off.

Mojave... WTF ? He told her she's fat..or thats what she heard !!!! then Chocolate ? Come on... you know Women, they would take that as "meaning" something besides what he is trying to say..... probably jsut like his first comment.

Jsut pretend nothing happened....... then say you feel like you have gained some weight and you jsut want her to help you because without a Strong woman to back you up and keep you going you could never make it alone. Dude.. switch it into a Compliment and Do it quick !!!!! Git 'er done !! And may the Force be with you Mi Amigo !!!!!!
Turn the tables. Don't admit to meaning she needs to loose weight. Say you want to get in shape as you feel like you have put some on and want to start working out for the hunting season and thought it might be something that you 2 could do together and you are worried about her health and want her to be healthy and happy for years to come. Nothing wrong with a bit of constructive critisism. Hope it works out for you.
Yup Man you fecked up, What was you thinkin"," Jasus christ" ya wanking tosspot lol , you have to somehow convince her that it is you who requires to loose weight and she is a prerequisite to make that happen, {wink wink} udderwise you shagged mate, no show, dead in the dirt, blowing in the wind outa here..... lol
Thats a Situation I could see me into. thinknig I want to workout with the wife. Seing here in SPandex and then coming home for a "cool off" time. And Say something like that.

She, in returns, goes Livid, so I panic.... "Babe, you know I don't think you're fat !!! I mean...... jsut the other day Randolph was saying how he'd like to shag you instead of his Wife because she's a hog". Yeppers... thats why When I realise I am falling into the hole, I jsut stop. Dead in mid air, and wait to hit the Ground. although the Ground I hit always hurts, at least you're not digging still and falling further :D

Dude... best of luck again to ya !!!!!
Dude turn around and say its you that needs to lose afew pounds. Tell her that you need moral surpport in order for you to lose the proper amount of weight, or the amount that you want to lose.
Good luck to you though.

Oh yeah flowers wouldn't hurt either.
Quick Draw
Moosie said:
Mojave... WTF ? He told her she's fat..or thats what she heard !!!! then Chocolate ? Come on... you know Women, they would take that as "meaning" something besides what he is trying to say..... probably jsut like his first comment.

I have to agree wt=ith Thge Moose on this one....

WH has been this stupid too, He apolagized but it still hurts... I know I need to lose a few lbs so Like I tell him, Support me... I do not want him to pretend I am perfect, but you have to be supportive instead of just plain mean!!

Bottom line if the chick wants to lose weight then support her, if she gained a few lbs and love her let it be and love her for who she is and she may stay in shape because she loves you!
Gunner46, You didn't say anything wrong. If she can't handle the truth that is her problem. You shouldn't have to lie to a chick to make her feel good about herself. There is nothing wrong with telling somebody they are overweight, they probably already know it anyway, if they don't they're just living in denial...maybe it's time to face reality! It would be like if you had a big zit on your nose, woudn't you want her to tell you? :confused: If I was her I'd give you credit for being honest. I agree you should buy her a treadmill. DON'T GET HER CHOCOLATES, OR ANY FOOD AT ALL FOR THAT MATTER!!! |oo
Just tell her to work it off!


...then duck ;)
If you appologized seriously to her and she can't understand that you were just trying to be funny and it did'nt come off right, well forget about her shes got mental issues anyways. Forget about the flowers, candy and all that other crap....if its a dozen roses this time, what happens when she pouts next time ,2 dozen roses....where does all that crap stop....
Washington Hunter said:
Gunner46, You didn't say anything wrong. If she can't handle the truth that is her problem. You shouldn't have to lie to a chick to make her feel good about herself. There is nothing wrong with telling somebody they are overweight, they probably already know it anyway, if they don't they're just living in denial...maybe it's time to face reality! It would be like if you had a big zit on your nose, woudn't you want her to tell you? :confused: If I was her I'd give you credit for being honest. I agree you should buy her a treadmill. DON'T GET HER CHOCOLATES, OR ANY FOOD AT ALL FOR THAT MATTER!!! |oo

See the MOFO I have to live with...... Robert there is a NICE Way to saying stuff..... I am tired of your selfishness... You don't like it when I say certain stuff to you.... I won't say what, but ask me in Person.....

Robert does not show any empathy for anybody and that is his BIGGEST Flaws.. He is Insensitive!!!!

And Moosie he is NOT supportive.....I WILL Never lose weight for someone else I will lose weight for me. Robert is not supportive. He would like me to lose weight but he will never not be with me because I am a few pounds over the Ideal weight! He needs to learn to shut his dang mouth if he can not say anything nice at all!!!!!!!!

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