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The Best And Worst Week Of My Life


New member
Dec 26, 2003
As many of you know, on December 22, 2004, my wife gave birth to our first child, a little girl. We named her Maddisyn. Maddisyn was born 7 weeks early, and with her fair share of compications. We nearly lost her just hours after she was born. She had to be taken to Primary CHildren's Hospital, where she was placed on a heart/lung bypass machine, to give her little lungs a chance to heal and get strong. After 6 days on the machine, it was decided that she was doing okay to be taken off of the machine, but still had much of her breathing done by a respirator.

She did wonderfully her first night off of the machine. I spent the next day at her bedside, feeling that things were looking up, even though the doctors said she wasn't out of the woods yet. The day after she came off of the ECMO(bypass) machine was exactly 1 week after she was born. At approx. 5:30 pm, she took a drastic turn for the worst, the reason why is still unknown. Maddisyn passed away just prior to 7:00 that night. I literally felt like my world had just ended. Tommorrow I have to bury my little girl. It is the hardest thing I have faced in my entire life. :(

Thank you to those who expressed their thoughts and prayers during the time shortly after she was born. She truly was a valiant little girl and is now in a better place, free from the pain and struggles that she felt here on earth.


Here is a link to her obituary:
Tuffbucker, my condolences to you and your wife. No one can understand the loss that you suffered, or the pain that you feel. If there is anything my family or I can do please let me know. We are praying for Maddisyn.
My heart is with you and your wife today Scott.

Thank you so much for putting that link up so that we can all share in her precious life in some small way. She is just beautiful.
Our prayers are with your family.

Tuff- The loss of a child must be the hardest thing in the world, I can't begin to imagine your pain. Just know that your short time together is something that will never be forgotten and that her place at the table will always be there.

Here is a poem that was given to a good friend of ours under similar circumstances:

Her Journey Has Just Begun

Don't think of her as gone away--
her journey's just begun
life holds so many facets--
this earth is only one.

Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years.

Think how she must be wishing
that we could know, today,
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.

And think of her as living
in the hearts of those she touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost--
and she was loved so much.
Cant imagine the feeling, I have two daughters myself and I cant imagine life without them.....things will get better though, hang in there!

Sorry to hear about your loss, I can't even imagine. No words that I can say will ease your and your wife's pain but I will keep you all in my prayers.

That is just about the worst pain you can endure. Just remember to be there for your wife, and that does not mean just being strong. Be man enough to let her know that you share the pain, too. Crying together is probably the best thing to do, actually. (I lost my son, many years ago.) I'll be praying for you and your family.
Scott, I'm heartbroken for you and your wife. You are so right when you say she is in a better place free of pain. She was just too good for this world. Words can not express my sorrow for you both. Please keep your chin up and thank God for the time you had with her. My heart goes out to you and your wife. I pray that you both carry on and remember only the good things. It's hard to read and understand, but life goes on. We never know how many precious days we have on earth. Cherish all of the days past and look forward to the future. Better things are to come!
Tuff - Again sorry for your lose. Our hearts and prayers go out to you and your family.
I just read your post, and my heart goes out to you all, I just wanted to let you know your in my prayers.
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