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Just as a little sidenote to the hunt, the few BFC folks that we ran into were pretty decent and respectful people. In fact, a couple of them noted that they hunt themselves. Although they have the radicals in their group for sure, the ones we encountered and visited with were not the "in your face" people. I think Randy's decision to not shoot one as it came across the line went a long way with them as they even noted to us that they were really impressed of the respectfulness the hunt team had.

Every group is going to have its radicals that are just unbearable and completely out of touch with reality but at least the few we ran appeared to understood the concept of hunting and the model of wildlife management. It really seemed like they were more furious with the agencies treating them like cattle rather than wild animals, ie the hazing, and slaughters of past years. The tribal members who have come down recently and just hammered those bison were also on "the BFC chit list". I think the actual state hunters are not the ones that really have them up in arms. In fact the one guy clearly stated, we don't have a problem with the few state hunters that come down and harvest the bison, its the reasons stated below.

Many may not know but earlier on this MT Bison season, the tribal members came down and just hammered that herd, the numbers they walked away with in a weekend was in the 30's, and sadly enough, some were wasted by not having proper means to take care fo the meat. When you look at the numbers the BFC posts on their website, I believe its up around 67 bison killed this year to date, less than 10% of them have actually been taken by state hunters, the rest have been tribal members.

I sure hope some things can change in the future to allow more public places for wild bison to roam and more opportunities to hunt them. Super awesome animals and really neat being a part of a hunt like this.

I looked around their website and didn't see anything directly aimed at hunters. They only refer to the "slaughter" and it is unclear whether this includes hunters or not.

I think if they were an anti-hunting group, they would have had more up there about the evil hunters.

That's not to say I will be sending them a donation anytime soon...
I looked around their website and didn't see anything directly aimed at hunters. They only refer to the "slaughter" and it is unclear whether this includes hunters or not.

I think if they were an anti-hunting group, they would have had more up there about the evil hunters.

That's not to say I will be sending them a donation anytime soon...

They are not anti-hunting, and they are mostly subsistence hunters, taking their kills and sharing it with their volunteers. I've seen them follow DOL riders when they're hazing bison for miles and miles. They can hold their own out in the woods.

The slaughter they are referring to is the regular slaughter that the state has had in the past imposed by the IBMP. That has been changing over the last few years, but with populations at 4500 instead of the 3000 objective,we could see a huge slaughter this year.

That slaughter will be compounded if HB 249 goes through.

I don't agree with their tactics or their vision, but I admire their tenacity.

If folks really want to maintain or increase opportunity to hunt buffalo, then this session is critical. We'll need folks to show up and testify at hearings, send in comments and write letters to the editor.

HB 249 passed out of committee today. The bill was amended so that only wild bison can be shot on sight for simply standing on private land. This bill violates the Rathbone decision from the late 1930's and it reverses wildlife conservation ethics in Montana.

Bat crap crazy is getting ramped up boys. We're just getting started.
What Critter said is really what we encountered. I'll admit it is weird to have these 2 guys kind of lurking behind. Can't imagine how Fin felt being shooter. I'm glad I had the chance to experience the whole thing. Hopefully I can draw the tag someday. We learned a lot about the BFC people from a trapper guy that we ran into. He is a local and sees them daily. He will walk right up to them with his 243 slung around his neck and say hi and ask them their names. Good guy for sure.

I'm still amazed at the finished product Fin and Critter did on that Buffalo. There wasn't a scrap left. I'm thinking all those ravens circling us are feeling like they got screwed on the deal.:D
Guys, I'll admit I haven't followed the bison thing close....

But why is there not a list, similar to depredation hunts, where hunters get phone calls to come kill the bison instead of having the FWP slaughter them?
Totally agree Bart, although they were not controversial, it really is wierd and a bit annoying having lurkers follow you around like that.....
The guy we ran into that bart mentioned is a local trapper and was super helpful to our team..great guy and his experience in the area helped put us in contact with the first bison we found. Thanks to him for the help.

Found a really tame grouse that was pretty neat too. Little bugger jumped up on the seat of my snowmobile and then jumped on the ground by bart and started pecking at the zippers on his coat....will try to find some pics


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Guys, I'll admit I haven't followed the bison thing close....

But why is there not a list, similar to depredation hunts, where hunters get phone calls to come kill the bison instead of having the FWP slaughter them?

It really is crazy, there should never be a time when slaughters happen. But they have a cow / calf roster for all the people who applied for them. Everyone is assigned a random number and then called in order once the bison have come out of the, this i believe has reduced the fwp slaughters. Unfortunately i am number 1287 on the list so im pretty confident i wont be getting a call ;)
great job randy,,cant wait for a show,very classy job dealing with the complications and all,,,I would like the name of the snowmobile rental place so i and alot of us wont use him,ever ,that didnt seem right about not renting cuzz your hunters.cant beat that for something to do in january,what are the odds of pullin a tag like that approx?
Guys, I'll admit I haven't followed the bison thing close....

But why is there not a list, similar to depredation hunts, where hunters get phone calls to come kill the bison instead of having the FWP slaughter them?

Wild bison are managed differently than all other wildlife. Because of brucellosis and concerns over the transmittal to cattle, the state and federal agencies that deal with bison got together and came up with the Interagency Bison Management Plan (IBMP). That document has been the guiding factor in bison management in the GYE for some time now.

You can read more about it here:
I figured the BFC people were not your normal activist, it just seemed odd that you could run "interference" with them and not have them being beligerant jack-tards. Sounds like you guys were the epitome of ethical hunters....though I'm guessing you won't be getting any shout outs on their website for your exemplary behavior.

What are the rules with tribal hunting? I know in Washington where I grew up the Yakima Nation would drive up to the edge of a wildlife refuge and whack bulls like nobody's business...leaving the unit to be true spike only for the OTC crowd. That herd (Colockum) is probably the most poorly managed in the state.
Wouldn't the BFC have been subject to harrassment infractions if they'd not been as cooperative as Fin has described?
Wouldn't the BFC have been subject to harrassment infractions if they'd not been as cooperative as Fin has described?


And to be perfectly clear, BFC has opposed the Yellowstone hunt for some time on the grounds that there are not enough bison to sustain the activity.
Regardless to how polite they are, having someone follow me around like that would really rub me the wrong way. Glad to see you guys handled it in a decent way.

Congrats again Fin, can't wait for the episode.
Alrighty then, We want to see a picture of someone with a Buffalo Head being packed out! All we have seen is an old man on the ground being eaten by the rare Grouse Buzzard! John
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