Start up the BBQ


New member
Nov 21, 2005
Northern Cali
Not the biggest fish Ive caught but this size is the best for some sweet BBQ.Good ole Smith River CALI Buck.Bright Chromer :D

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My wife loves salmon, due to the recent health studies. I'm about sick of it. If you have a good way to BBQ it please let me know.
Fillet the salmon and cut into 3 or 4 pieces per side depending on the size. Go find yourself a bottle of marinade at the store (we like lemon & garlic), put the pieces in a bag and marinate. We let is soak at least overnight. Put the pieces is the fish basket and grill until done. Be sure to put some wood chips in a tin can on the grill. Adds a great smoked flavor.

The key to this recipe is a "fish basket" for your grill. If you haven't seen one its a foldable basket (about 2" high when folded) that locks the fillets into place and makes for easier grilling.

Real easy and real good!
thanks, I have seen the basket, just not tried it. Baked in the oven is getting old. Do you put the chips in water or dry and does the can go right on the grill beside the fish, or under the grill?
Ive also BBQed salmon the same way as the steelhead and it improves the taste drasticly.First off I fillet the fish full length,.Leaving the skin on and then lay it skin down on tinfoil I spread mayo over the meat side.Now add minced up bacon,onions tomatoes and some seasoning or squeeze lemons and then place on BBQ.About 5 minutes before you take it off add your favorite BBQ sause and enjoy.The dressings are also part of the taste teaser and the fish makes for great leftovers the next day with a salad. hump hump
JDR, that sounds good!

ARCAT, I usually just sprinkle the dry wood chips on the "rocks" (I have a gas grill) but if you do that be sure you stay real close with a squirt bottle of water to put out the fires. I don't put the wood directly under the fish, it will smoke it fine with the wood around the edges of the fire. The wood in the can method is "safer" but I'm kinda lazy! If you do use the can put it on the fire prior to cooking the fish to get the wood going.

I cook my fish on both sides, usually cooking the flesh side first to get a nice color then flip and cook on skin side until done. Usually the skin is stuck to the basket. Just slide the meat right off the skin onto a plate. Yum Yum!
You dont have to flip it just cover it with the tinfoil and let it cook,20min or more on med to low heat is good.Check it and iof the meat is flakinf its probably done.
Heres an easy marinade/grill baste for salmon/trout

Mix and heat until melted
1/4 cup lite soy sauce
1/4 cup butter (no margarine)
1/4 cup brown sugar (or 1 TBSP mollassas)
1 TBSP fresh lemon or lime juice

Let cool and brush on fish or marinate in fridge 30 to 60 minutes before grilling

Sprinkle fish with a little white pepper just before grilling. Black pepper is OK but not nearly as good.


Grill fish skin side down over medium to medium high heat (depends on grill) and DO NOT flip. Close grill lid or tent fish with foil. Test with fork at 8 minutes. When fish flakes easily its ready. You can lift the cooked fish right off its skin which should stick to the grill. Scrape grill and cook another one.

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