Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Spring grizzly


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2007
Happy Valley, OR
You'd think after 10 years of marriage I would understand women, but my wife continues to confuse me. I had the opportunity to book a spring black bear hunt in Canada a couple weeks ago and my wife put her foot down (which she rarely does) and said I couldn't go. No problem, I can deal with that. But then on Tuesday we were out to dinner for our 10 year anniversary and I was telling her about a cancellation grizzly hunt in Alaska that an outfitter had emailed me about. My wife says, "are you going?" I said no, thinking it was a trick question. She said, "you should do it. You'll probably regret it if you don't". :confused:?????

So on the 14th of April I leave for Alaska to hunt grizzly. I am still in shock, I am so excited! Not alot of time to prepare but it should be a fun hunt.

I'm going with Jake Jefferson of Black River Hunting Camps. I believe some of you have hunted with Jake. He sounds like a great guy and I'm excited to hunt with him.
never hunted with the guy,but it sounds like a normal woman to me.If you didn't live so far away, I'd swear we were married to the same person
Have a great trip
Sweet best of luck on the hunt.

Didn't realize there was such a thing as a normal woman. My wife is a great woman, but still not sure if she's "normal"!

You picked the right guy in Jake jefferson.
This guy is a "Bear killer' or should say bear finder.
I'm sure you will create lifetime memories. Have fun, pitchin and do what he says and have a great hunt.
Post the pictures and story on your return.
Was curious who picked up that hunt. Small world for sure. You are going to have a great time on that hunt and hopefully will get a nice bear. You'll really be roughing it in that lodge. Good luck.
Didn't you read your Life insurance policy?...It doesn't pay off if you die in another country. :D

But Seriously enjoy the hunt. Is that your Anniversary gift? Better take DW along and fit in an inside passage cruise too...
Thanks guys!! I'm way excited. Turns out it was a trick question. I keep forgetting that the deal my wife and I have in place is whatever I spend on hunting, she can spend on her "stuff". Oh well, it's still worth it.

I know this is not the best time of year for bears but I just couldn't pass it up. Hopefully the stars will align and we'll have some good luck. Either way, I'm sure it will be a great experience.
lol, my wife keeps trying to talk me into an archery griz hunt. im thinking that maybe she thinks that paying for my funeral would be cheaper than court costs for divorcing me lol
Good score!!! My wife and I are having our 10th this summer and I'm just hoping for more than a kiss goodnight...
You getting excited yet? April 14th is coming up fast.

Jake knows bears. He even walks like a bear. Hope the weather treats you well and you find a good one.
T bone, I'm so excited I can hardly sleep. Jake has been a great help keeping me in the loop on preparations and stuff. Sounds like a class act all the way and hard core. I'm hoping for good weather, but it will be fun regardless.

Thanks for all the good lucks guys.
Well I made it back to the lower 48. I had a GREAT hunt with Jake in Alaska. Although we didn't even see a bear, it was an incredible time. Saw some of the most beautiful country ever and got to spend time with one of the best guides around. Jake worked his butt off, the bears just weren't out yet. As you can see from the photos, there was still alot of snow. We did see alot of moose, caribou, ptarmigan, and the occasional fox. All in all it was a great time and I'm looking forward to doing it again next year.



You've a great attitude!

Bummer about the bears not being out yet....but it sounds like you made the most of it.

Do share some more pics if you can.
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