PEAX Equipment

Son's deployment (USMC)

Been there done that. 2004 - 2012 and if I had it to do over again I wouldn't change a thing !!
Just thank God there is a new Commander in chief he will be fighting under !!
Semper Fi Devil Dog.
Everyone's thoughts and prayers helped last time. Please continue.

2nd tour starts tomorrow. Somehow, it's a little easier.

USMC FAST DM's, keep those long guns bangin'!

God Speed son. We have many days to spend on the mountain again.

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T-Bone..........prayers for his safety and for peace for your family.
Tufrthnails...... touched on something that reminds me of a story that only my Mother and I know for sure regarding a Mom or Dad praying for their son or daughter.
In 1988 I was a fireman on an LPD in the Persian Gulf, the Iraqi`s flew mostly at night and we would be at GQ all night long.
I called her from the pier a few days after a very long night at battle stations and she said... "I could see you running and going down a very long ladder."
My station at that time was in the shaft alley to monitor bearings and combat any flooding.........You guessed it 4 decks straight down a long ladder and the entire length of the ship from where I started.

Prayers for your Son T-Bone and I thank him for his service and for you and Mom for raising a proud man.

To all those who serve or have.
Watch your 6....take nothing for granted.
At home or away.
Thanks for the positive support all,

10dogs, that is a moving story, thanks for sharing.

A serviceman and his mom have something powerful.

Here is a picture of our Marine surprising his Mom for Christmas 2015. It was moving then, and even now gets me all sappy.

That pic is worth ten thousand words....hard to look at, and hard to scroll away from.
Never had the stones to serve. Getting choked up reading this thread. Prayers to him and to all who serve and protect our freedom. To all those that have fought and are continuing to do so, I owe you a debt of gratitude which I'll never be able to pay back.

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