Son's deployment (USMC)

Godspeed. Can't thank your boy enough for his sacrifice and courage....and you for raising him well.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers friends.

Nathaniel is back on US soil. We should see him at home within a week!
I learned first-hand how difficult it is to send a kid into known combat. My kid left around Christmas 2007 with the 82nd Airborne, as the first surge troops into Baghdad. It was a nasty deal, but he came through it with only few physical scars and lots of mental ones.

My youngest was set to deploy as a combat medic with the 10th Mountain Division to Afghanistan, but was too badly injured in training and ended up with a 90% disability.

He was upset that he did not deploy, but I told him that I did not need to send another kid into combat.

It is never easy, but it is why this country is what it is. People step up and take care of those that cannot/will not contribute.
Glad to hear he's home, I'm sure you and mom are sleeping better! Tell Nathaniel thanks for his service!

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