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Senator Craig Blames Sea Lions in Idaho for Extinction of Salmon in My Private Idaho


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
This one ranks Craig up there with Chenowith, as he blames the Sea Lions for the decline of Salmon in Idaho. Couldn't be the dams could it??? These comments just defy logic and common sense.

he said, the population of sea lions and seals has exploded, and their feasting on fish may have a big effect

Craig said scientists have told him that sending more fish into the sea does not mean more will return to their spawning grounds

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>HAILEY, Idaho _ U.S. Sen. Larry Craig insists Congress would never allow breaching of four lower Snake River dams to help salmon runs, no matter what former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt thinks.

The former Clinton administration secretary was in Ketchum on Tuesday for a fund-raiser for salmon recovery. Babbitt said the dams must be breached to save the wild runs. Environmental groups may file suit to open them up.

The dams are not the problem, but the ocean may be, Craig replied Wednesday in Hailey.

Instead, he said threats to salmon are being "managed differently" by the Bush administration and with success.

Craig cited the recent salmon runs, which are records for the years in which the dams have been in place. President Bush plans to visit Ice Harbor Dam on the lower Snake today. Most of the fish are hatchery salmon, however.

The Idaho Republican said more scientific study needs to be conducted on what happens to salmon in the Pacific. Craig said scientists have told him that sending more fish into the sea does not mean more will return to their spawning grounds.

For example, he said, the population of sea lions and seals has exploded, and their feasting on fish may have a big effect.

Congress' resolve not to breach the dams was bolstered by the recent energy crisis, Craig said.

If hydroelectric power generated by the Northwest dams had to be replaced with other sources, Craig said, it would increase the per-kilowatt-hour cost between 200 percent and 300 percent. The present average hydroelectric kilowatt-hour cost for Northwest ratepayers now stands at about 3.8 cents.

"I'm not willing to wipe out the Northwest economy for the fish," Craig said.

He also doubts Babbitt or his supporters would advocate building a nuclear reactor to replace lost hydropower.

Calling it the most comprehensive energy bill ever written, Craig said a bill he is introducing would provide $17 billion in incentives for solar and wind power electric generation. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Yep gunner,

Sea lions and seals are serious problem for the salmon. The dogooders feel the same about them as they do the wild horsies and wolves. What nation do you think we can talk into importing these nasty tasting critters?

My guess is the Sea Lions would get full, if we had healthy Salmon runs again. "Back in the day" of Lewis and Clark, we had healthy Salmon Runs AND healthy populations of Marine Mammals.

The Sea Lion issue is just a distractionary tactic.

But, if you want some more Science, here is a summation of another published article.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In the June 2003 issue of the Journal of Conservation Biology , yet another study concludes that the surest path to restore wild salmon and steelhead on the Columbia River's largest tributary is to partially remove the 4 dams on the lower Snake river.

The research conducted by a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) scientist compares a series of proposed recovery options, including various habitat improvement measures, against removing the 4 lower Snake river dams and restoring 140 miles of free-flowing river. The study focuses on chinook (also known as 'king salmon') populations and concludes that the "[r]esults...suggest that dam breaching has more potential to increase population growth rates than habitat restoration, except for the most optimistic assumptions about the efficacy of transportation" (i.e. removing young fish from the river and barging and trucking them around the dams).

This study supports the assertion of Save Our Wild Salmon and other salmon advocates that dam removal needs to be the cornerstone of any effective recovery program. It is also the most recent addition to the established and growing mountain of evidence that has been piling up for years in favor of removing the Snake River dams as the most certain measure for successful, long-term salmon recovery. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-24-2003 22:09: Message edited by: ElkGunner ]</font>
Larry Craig said, ""I'm not willing to wipe out the Northwest economy for the fish," Craig said."


Apparently he missed this part of the PATH report.

KEY FINDINGS: (Relevant report sections in parentheses)

The Lower Snake dams and reservoirs require the Bonneville Power Administration to spend $194.4 million every year on salmon restoration. (Section 1, p. 13, and Appendix for Section 1, pp. 26-29.)

Taxpayers and electric ratepayers subsidize electric power production, river transportation and irrigation from the Lower Snake dams and reservoirs. With all costs accounted, these three Lower Snake dam "benefits" actually produce a net benefit loss to the economy of $114 million every year. (Section 3, p. 25.)

Electric power from the Lower Snake dams is not competitive. It costs 2.44 cents per kilowatt-hour. If we restore the Lower Snake River and purchase power elsewhere, we could provide energy for 1.87 cents per kilowatt-hour. (Section 2, pp. 17-18 and Appendix for Section 2, p. 29.)

River transportation on the Lower Snake is expensive and heavily subsidized. Although river shippers pay only $1.23 per ton to go from Lewiston, Idaho to Kennewick, Washington, taxpayers and electric ratepayers pay an additional $12.66. The total cost to ship one ton of goods on the Lower Snake is $13.89. In comparison, rail costs only $1.26. (Section 2, p. 19-21 and Appendix for Section 2, pp. 30-32.)

Thirteen agribusinesses pump water from the Ice Harbor reservoir. Together, these farms earn a net $1.9 million per year. But taxpayers and electric ratepayers subsidize these farms with $11.2 million. If the farms paid their full costs, they would lose $9.3 million every year. It would be cheaper to buy these farms outright and end their production altogether. (Section 2, pp. 22-24 and Appendix for Section 2, pp. 32-34.)

I also wonder if lightning Larry knows just how much salmon are worth to local economies?

"In Idaho alone restoring salmon would provide 150 million to the annual economy while supporting 4500 jobs (Reading)."

I guess Larry thinks a subsidized barge system and 4 dams have a bigger economic impact than sport fishing????

Not according to this source:

Recreational Fishing is much more than a traditional American pastime. It creates nearly 1.2 million jobs nationwide. New studies now show that annual spending by America's 35.2 million adult anglers (16 years old and older) amounts to a whopping $37.8 billion. By comparison, if sport fishing were a corporation it would be in thirteenth place on the fortune 500 list of America's largest business, ranking above such global giants at Texaco and DuPont.

I bet Larry also missed this too.

"To do that, businesses that previously were more interested in competing than cooperating organized a few years ago into the Northwest Sportfishing Industry Association. Members range from mom-and-pop bait shops to corporate giants such as Fred Meyer Inc.

"We could see the salmon resource crumbling around us and other industries deciding our fate," said Liz Hamilton, executive director of the group. "We decided we wanted to be at the table and bring a positive, jobs-and-money message to the debate."

To bolster the industry's position, Hamilton offers figures from 1991, the last year they were compiled. That year, salmon and steelhead angling generated $1.2 billion for the economies of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Northern California, according to the American Sportfishing Assocation.

In Oregon, salmon anglers spent $489 million, the Sport Fishing Institute said. In the four states combined, the industry supported 43,000 jobs, generating nearly $736 million in personal income."

Tell me one more time why Larry Craig is still representing Idaho????

The people of Idaho need to wake up!
Yeah, well, we've gotten our point across real well on all these issues we discuss. You and those looney tunes on your side have never gotten any point across. In fact, after all the posts I've read from you, mike, Paul, Troy, SDGunslinger etc. the only thing I've been able to figure out is that you're anti hunting, anti wildlife, anti habitat, anti environment and you think everyone else should be.

The only one of all you looney tunes who's ever been able to post consistent messages and get her point across is Md4m. At least she's real clear about it, ie.---There's a huge worldwide conspiracy to take away our rights and we have to be suspicious of everyone. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't somebody after you!
IT, remember this statement?

Maybe you're incapable of remembering, maybe you're just lying again....

Have you found those lies yet? Or is it just that maybe you don't like the truth?
"Tell me one more time why Larry Craig is still representing Idaho????"

It's because we havent had anyone from "that other party" worthy enough to get the majority of our votes.

"The only one of all you looney tunes who's ever been able to post consistent messages and get her point across is Md4m. At least she's real clear about it, ie.---There's a huge worldwide conspiracy to take away our rights and we have to be suspicious of everyone. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't somebody after you"

I havent said there is a conspiracy going on, it's all out in the open if anyone really want's to read about the goal's of the radical greenie's.

There is only one person I see still pucking out conspiracy theories

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-27-2003 16:43: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>

Are you sure it isn't because Craig takes the NRA money and PAC money by the truckload, and outspends anyone who challenges him by 5:1?

I actually think Minnick would have been good, and I think even Paul would endorse him, as he has already endorsed many of Minnick's accomplishments.

Actually MD, you are correct, the demo's have done a lousy job running anybody against Craig. Minnick was the best, and he should have ran as an independent.

"Are you sure it isn't because Craig takes the NRA money and PAC money by the truckload, and outspends anyone who challenges him by 5:1? "

That could be it!!!
Do you think he took his cue from some of the big green org.?
Damn his evil hide anyway---------using money to get what he want's.

I don't think any Big Green org ever has had the money like the NRA.

Craig could actually be a leader for the people of Idaho, as he is elected easily each time, but instead, he seems to have abandoned Idaho to be the lap dog for the GOP leaders in the Senate.

The whole deal with Trent Lott sure knocked him down a bit, and as he has distanced himself from Idahoans, I am not sure who he represents these days.

I sat in on a discussion with him one time, kind of free form, and I have to say I was incredibly impressed. It didn't matter what was asked of him, he would change the question to ask about something he wanted to talk about.

Ask him about Salmon, and he would answer that the War with Iraq was good. Ask him about dams on the Lower Snake, and he would answer about how dangerous Sara Brady was to Idaho.
"I sat in on a discussion with him one time, kind of free form, and I have to say I was incredibly impressed. It didn't matter what was asked of him, he would change the question to ask about something he wanted to talk about"

Elkgunner,are you sure that wasn't Ithaca you were talking to?
Everything get's brought back to rancher's and cow's, he and Larry have more in common then we thought LOL

I don't think most pollitians should be trusted.

I guess it human nature to let your ego take over any time you get a little power.
They all come in with there own agenda's &
and they all think the other person is wrong & stupid.
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