Caribou Gear

Scrapes ?


Dec 11, 2000
Horn seeker's rub topic got me thinking a bit, and some of you guy's will think this is the dumbest topic ever and i dont care !! but do mule deer make and tend scrapes in same manor that a whitail does ????
You bet they do DKO.. They are a lot more spread out and generally more difficult to spot because of the varied ground cover, but look around the bottom of small sage brush, cliff rose and bitter brush. You'll spot them..

Elk scrapes also. You don't have to look for those, you can smell them.. Just walk down wind of one and you'll know it.. Just like walking by a wallow...

I will be walking along in the mountains during hunting season and the smell of elk will permeate the air. It stops me in my tracks and all my sences go on major alert. I love that smell, it means one major thing....Elk are very, very close.... :D
Dean, as with the we apply the use of scrapes to hunting varies when you change from whiteys to muleys. With whiteys, many times you can set you watch by a big buck and his sracpe line for the week leading up to the various ruts.
But muleys are a lot less predictable in general, and their rubs and scrapes being no exception.

It alls goes back to whiteys being easier to pattern than muleys. The vast expanses of space muleys cover only adds to this unpredicatbility.

Antelope scrape also. Afetr pawing the ground, they scrunch their back hocks together over the scrape and piss down them, passing over their scent glands for added flavor..... as if the already potent urine needed an extra boost :rolleyes: :eek:
LOL!...yepper Indy!...I will never forget that one! Ol' Indy Put a shot on a doe and brought her down at a couple hundred yards, and as she struggled trying to get up, a buck came over and mounted her!.....Indy had to wait for him to get his nut before he could finish the ol' gal! :eek:

I tried to talk him into placing a shot in underneath while the buck was on the upstroke, but I think Indy's arrousal level compramized any such shot attemp!
Well, DKO, I have to differ with the majority of folks here and state that in my humble experiences.....Mule deer do not tend scrapes in the same manner that white tail deer do. They both urinate on their tarsal glands while rubbing them together.....the mule deer will squat like a doe while doing this whereas a white tail buck will crouch. I have seen them scrape a little bit with their front legs after horning a tree but nothing the mule deer buck does compares with the elaborate scrapes that a white tail buck will do. They seem to make up for the lack of scrapes by more vigorous horning routines.....Just my humble observations.
Hey guys,
Not having hunted Muleys, I'm in the dark. I have seen the type of terrain they frequent and wonder if they, (like WT) use up/downdrafting in their scrape lines or are they more visually accued(how's that for a $10 sentence?? :D )
