Scoring Contest 2

Good luck. Unlike me, many guys are afraid of being wrong. I've just come to expect it, so I don't care any more. :D

Afraid of being wrong? I've probably field judged more antelope than anyone (except my dad) so I can assure everyone on the boards that I've been wrong more than anyone on the planet! :) Failure, if used as a learning tool, is what eventually leads to success.
Failure, if used as a learning tool, is what eventually leads to success.

That's why I hope you keep posting these. And that's why I hope you keep an eye on your inbox this summer for the photos I'm going to send you. ;)
I will if I can find enough bucks that I haven't already posted at some point in the past. That Big Fin fellow keeps trying to be sneaky! :p
OK, 13 guesses will have to do for this round.

88 1/8
86 1/8
89 2/8
88 4/8
83 4/8
86 4/8
88 6/8

The average is 87 even.
The real score is 87 6/8.

The average was very close on this one. The winner I guess would be Big Fin! Congrats on the "redemption".

I was going to post all the individual measurements on this buck but I can't seem to find them at the moment. When I find them I'll post them. I do believe that everyone was over guessing the length and prong and under guessing the mass on this buck.

I'll post another video guessing game sometime today (or a photo if I can't find any good video).

I don't have a field photo of this buck but I'm working on getting one.
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I was off by less than 2 inch' in my mind I'm good to go into the field and field judge now...LOL
OK, I found the measurements.

L 15 6/8
P 5 0/8

B 7 1/8
1 7 2/8

2 5 0/8
3 3 6/8

Interesting how the scores were all fairly close but with the length measurements all too high and the mass all too low.