Caribou Gear Tarp

School/Mass shootings what's the answer?

Feel sorry all you want. ;) To question what another would do if children lives were on the line... That's your perogative.

Would you? Silence is sure deafening. :)

Easy for anyone to say what they "would do", or "would have done"...from the cheap seats.

All nothing but case.
Easy for anyone to say what they "would do", or "would have done"...from the cheap seats.

All nothing but case.

In my personal experience, those who talk the loudest about what they would do are most likely to be full of shit.
In my personal experience, those who talk the loudest about what they would do are most likely to be full of shit.
JLS, we share a common perspective. ... and those loudest likely don't know "Jack Chit" about stepping up in the face of personal inconvenience.
There sure are a few here who certainly "talk the loudest" that is certain! Haha! The vocal few...

Amazing from the cheap seats who heckle others for what they would do... ;)

Some choose jobs that fit such intent.
There sure are a few here who certainly "talk the loudest" that is certain! Haha! The vocal few...

Amazing from the cheap seats who heckle others for what they would do... ;)

Some choose jobs that fit such intent.

There is a big difference between being a blowhard and simply calling bullshit. One is talking the loudest and the other is simply calling things for what they are.
There sure are a few here who certainly "talk the loudest" that is certain! Haha! The vocal few...

Amazing from the cheap seats who heckle others for what they would do...

Some choose jobs that fit such intent.
What does that even mean? Who? What?

Forget it. How does it even relate to the answer for school mass shootings?
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A comment made that he would do whatever to save children's lives and the shitty partisan heckle him for it. Yet silence whether s/he would do anything... Deafening.
Talk about cheap seats blowhards.. ;)
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What would you do, "in the face of personal inconvenience" such as shots fired inside a school?
The issue was not about me.

Anything to share on the topic?
Yes, I did post several opinions on the issue previously in this long thread. Go back and read them if you are at all interested in others' opinions.
(Although I have no law enforcement background, I have thirty years military experience, many decades as gun owner / hunter, six years as school board trustee, and currently I volunteer daily at the school in my community where my grandchildren attend, and my wife is school board chair ... so I feel as though I do "have some skin in the game" and some plausible opinions.)
My thought the current POTUS is an ignorant blowhard is completely irrelevant to his partisan affiliation. I have no need nor desire to tell anyone what I would do.

Carry on.
We all share opinions. We all have some background even it is as simple a value for children.
Some of us are LEOs, others military, some school teachers, others prideful parents, grandparents, uncle's, etc. We ALL have "skin in the game".

Cheapseat blowhards, aka hecklers, are just that... Heckle one for their shared thoughts that s/he would do anything to save children's lives.

Carry on... :)
We all share opinions. We all have some background even it is as simple a value for children.
Some of us are LEOs, others military, some school teachers, others prideful parents, grandparents, uncle's, etc. We ALL have "skin in the game".

Cheapseat blowhards, aka hecklers, are just that... Heckle one for their shared thoughts that s/he would do anything to save children's lives.

Carry on... :)

My last comment on this issue. There are two kinds of people in this world, those who tell the whole world what they would do, and those who just do. In my life experience, the two rarely ever are one in the same.

It's easy to stand up and say what you would do without being confronted with reality. It's a fool's endeavor to solicit actions on the internet. I've seen folks who cultivate a persona of being the baddest ass on the block completely shit the bed when things get real. The reality is, none of us really KNOW how we'll react until put in that position. I've little use for those who puff up their chests and profess their bravado, a la the POTUS.

Sytes, if you think silence on this issue is reflective of what someone would or would not do, that's your prerogative. I fail to see any value in it whatsoever. If you think calling bullshit on someone is heckling from the cheap seats, so be it.
My last comment on this issue. There are two kinds of people in this world, those who tell the whole world what they would do, and those who just do. In my life experience, the two rarely ever are one in the same.

It's easy to stand up and say what you would do without being confronted with reality. It's a fool's endeavor to solicit actions on the internet. I've seen folks who cultivate a persona of being the baddest ass on the block completely shit the bed when things get real. The reality is, none of us really KNOW how we'll react until put in that position. I've little use for those who puff up their chests and profess their bravado, a la the POTUS.

Sytes, if you think silence on this issue is reflective of what someone would or would not do, that's your prerogative. I fail to see any value in it whatsoever. If you think calling bullshit on someone is heckling from the cheap seats, so be it.

JLS, if one opens their blowhard over another that share his opinion, mind you that position would be with everyone as POTUS, it is my opinion that person should put up or...
There are some that will wait for backup and others wondering... Wtf?!? Get in there!
Cheers for your opinion. After all, that is all we share here.
Interesting the pick nitters that attack a comment made by our POTUS that states had he been present, he would have put his life on the line to save our most precious assets, our children. Makes me wonder about many here... If you had (or have) made such a comment... Or do you lack the huevos to publicly state YOU would have rushed in, placed your life on the line even if your child did not attend that school. I would in a heartbeat. I didn't vote for this POTUS though props to our President who would do such.

Yes thats what I am a picknitter. You nailed it. Certainly it wasn't me being cynical of a reality star who has always been first and formost to say whatever it takes to who ever it takes. My personal favorite was when he had his bible when he spoke at Liberty University.

Whats interesting is that someone would call me a picknitter after apparently not reading anything I have ever posted. When all I was doing was being somewhat funny, sarcastic and cynical of a man that has always time and time again said similar safe remarks. I would think the same of others that would make such a bold remark when they are not directly affwcted by a situation. By my observation those that feel the need to boast of such things would likely be the last to actually do anything but talk when its safe. Thats what I find interesting.

There’s an awesome video of the SRO standing outside while the shooting was happening. Maybe don’t wanna watch on anything you can throw. How this guy can live with himself is just just beyond me. It sounds like he actually hindered the response by giving out wrong information to responding officers while he was standing outside.Short of curing cancer I don’t see how this coward can ever overcome this.
Regarding shotguns, I was looking at the history of school shootings over time and was surprised to see one in my wife's hometown of Olean, NY. He used a shotgun and a rifle. 3 people killed.

It's hard to draw any conclusions from the data because it is incomplete (e.g., but in the "good old days" we had school shootings; however the number of casualties was far less and the weapons used weren't capable of the mass murders we see today.
RobG, I was 9 when that happen, I was from Allegany and still remember that, ask your wife if she remember the zink family and Zink's market in Vandilia.

I was in Lewistown when Kristopher Hawns shoot teacher Henrietta Smith and principle John Moffet, friends of mine were in class. The people of Lewistown and the Olean area have not forgot these shooting.

Absolutely does. Nobody "has the resources" to pay for MH care, so those w MH problems get kicked between systems that are not equipped to treat them. They get worse, some get much worse.

Some of the other articles I've been reading follow along the lines of that the proverbial "they" don't want these kids ending up with criminal records so that bypass punishment for the sake of the kids future. This seems to be something the Obama administration made a priority from what I read.

Now, what is the root cause the the MH problems? Well, I have my opinion. And I have listened to some lectures in the psychiatric field about the effects of outside influences on youth, but I guess it just depends on which study you subscribe to.
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