Yeti GOBOX Collection

Sarin discovery deserved more than a blasé response

.. / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / --. ..- . ... ... / .... . / .... .- ... / .- / .-. . -.. / -.-. .- .-. -.. ;)
Oh really??? :confused: Then Elggunner is a government employee?? Wouldn't be a total surprise; I'd pin the word traitor on him for fit! :eek:
EG -

Because of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, you do not have to worry about being arrested and detained for your remarks on this board criticizing the Bush Administration. Instead you can plan your fishing or hunting trip and travel unencumbered. If you are worried, that's irrational plain and simple. When you can make the connection between the Constitution / Bill of Rights and how you are able to conduct your life, only then can you fully appreciate what FREEDOMS we DO have and what others don't.

Hey Paws,

Why don't you tell Hangar that our "Bill of Rights" doesn't need exported? He is the one advocating taking down all forms of government that aren't Democratic.

I am supportive of taking down any government (in form or in practice) that does not recognize and respect basic human rights.

You know, it is kind of funny, but it always seems to me, that the State Department issues me a list of countries where Travel is not advised. And I seem to take some Personal responsibility to stay out of those countries. Others who don't, should not expect the US Military to go topple a government because of their hubris.

Aren't you thankful the state of Idaho or the state of Alaska are not on that list. You can thank the Bill of Rights for that.
Originally posted by pawclaws:
I hope your next trip over the pond you take time to reflect on the fact that (1) you are not protected by the laws of the United States. (2) if you should become involved in a traffic accident you may be subjected to the full legal system of the nation you are visiting (3) if your passport isn't a red one the only assistance you will receive from the US Embassy is the possible referral of a foreign attorney and notification of your relatives. I truly hope you never feel the angst of your butt swinging in the wind subject to the rules and regulations of a soverignty that is less compassionate, less equitable, and less than honorable than those of the nation you choose to blaspheme.
I guess I could remove these fears in life, if I wanted to dig a hole in the ground in Montana (or Ohio) and never venture forth.... :rolleyes:
Seems like a shallow/empty life to do so, but to each their own....
Not that the Patriot Act is a good thing, but have you or anyone you know been effected by it? No. And "not yet" is not a reasonable response because that's like saying concealed weapons "may" cause countless shootouts with dead people littering the streets. It hasn't happened. Speculation is bullshit until reality takes its place.

You still don't get it that you have more freedom thanks to the Bill of Rights than most people in this world can even dream of having. Be appreciative.

I am still not sure how we make the leap that everybody in the world wants to have OUR "Bill of Rights".

I mean, look at the above.... For me, "FREEDOM" is to be able to catch Wild Salmon in Idaho, for Nemont, it is a working light switch, and for Rocky, it is to have Paris Hilton.........

Do you think everyone in the world values the items in the Bill of Rights, and wants them?

Are we to go around, with our "Democratic Manifesto", and be toppling regimes around the world, installing our Constitution?
As I see it, if we do import our "Bill of Rights" to countries that don't want it, then they will be free to vote to get rid of it and replace it with what ever they want, a freedom they do not currently have.
Originally posted by A-con:
As I see it, if we do import our "Bill of Rights" to countries that don't want it, then they will be free to vote to get rid of it and replace it with what ever they want, a freedom they do not currently have.

I think you have the crux of the problem with us "importing" instead of "exporting" the Bill of Rights.

For us to "import", we must first invade, control, and run the country..... If we were just "exporting", we would just ship, and the recipient on the other end would be responsible for accepting. Much different... :(
Originally posted by Hangar18:

I am supportive of taking down any government (in form or in practice) that does not recognize and respect basic human rights.
I think we can agree on that, but I am not certain who is worthy of passing judgement on "basic human rights". Is it the UN, or Dubya, or Amnesty International, or the people directly affected? :confused: I just don't think we should play God, and impose our values on others....
Ten Beers,

No idea, I don't count.... I think last year was a half dozen across an ocean.... This year is twice so far, and one coming up in June, and another in July...

I do know that when I order my Passports, I always get the "extra" pages installed, as the basic passport gets filled up....
"I guess I could remove these fears in life.."

I really don't know why I waste the effort! :rolleyes:

Elkgunner; fear isn't the issue. The issue is your insistance on bad mouthing the nation that provides you with all of your comforts, safety, and sustinance. If you are so much in love with Japan; hell, move on out! I'm sure the average intelligence of both nations would improve!

You might be one of the worst comprehending readers I have ever seen..... Do you typically just make stuff up, that you have no idea what you are talking about??? First it was Harley in Japan, then Reagan as 2nd best Pres, and on and on.... and now, somehow, you have read that I "love" Japan.... I assure you, I have never written that, as that is about 180 degrees from my affections of that place... You truly must be going senile, and hearing voices in your head....

Did you see the thing with Nancy Reagan demanding Dubya get off his arse, and allow stem cell research to move forward, in order to combat Alzheimers? Maybe you could be one of the first beneficiaries if Dubya were to be removed from office...

And I don't think I have ever "badmouthed" this country. I do take exception to many of the policies of Dubya, but is that wrong? Why should we sit by and watch Dubya/Ashcroft systematically dismatle the the Bill of Rights?
When you have finished your little tantrum there junior let me know and I'll chastiize you appropriately. Wouldn't want to take advantage of you while you are technically insane! :D Now that you have calmed down; where is it that I say that you have ever said anything about loving Japan?? Show me! No; don't run your mouth and try repeating things that sound like, might be like, or resemble. Back up your mouth. By the way Bubba; my reading comprehension and speed test out at 3 thousand net words per minute with 90 to 95 percent comprehension. Another little facet of my character for you to envy. (Jealous dick head.) :rolleyes:

I think you should change your name to "the incredible, all-knowing, all-seeing, speedreading, ultra-comprehension, tough-guy, Pawclaws".

I am very proud of you posting your 4th grade reading test results. I am sure you old teacher would still be very proud of you, if she hasn't been dead for 60 years....

That is pretty funny you can't find your reference to Japan, just 8 hours after you made it... That Alzheimers sure must be a nuisance to live with. But if it helps you out, you might look at the posts with the old, fat, blind guy flipping a pancake......

I do hope Nancy Reagan gets her way, and we get Kerry elected, so that we can move on to improving the quality of life for people like yourself...
Good idea there Buzz! Beats hell out of Lloyd doesn't it!!
Elkgunner; I am so very sorry that you are not sufficiently competent to follow step by step instructions. Having done so you would have certainly relieved your petty little mind of the weight of wondering. Why don't you do me a really big favor and take a trip to Japan; your first love!
There you may resume counting motorcycles, or whatever else you do there, productively occupy your mind. Who knows, you may actually be capable of learning!
Difficult to tell since it is obvious that you have never attempted to use your mind!
If you are such a good reader, then how come you were only able to find the references by looking for the picture of the fat, old man flipping pancakes???
"If you are such a good reader, then how come you were only able to find the references by looking for the picture of the fat, old man flipping pancakes???"---- EG

Offering a five dollar shiney money reward to the individual who can translate this statement for me! English preferred; however, Japanese, Morse Code, Tagalog, Spanish, Ilikano, Pampangan, and German are acceptable!! :D