Santorum to end hunting on Public Lands in Idaho's a clue...Santorum ain't selling your land. Quit defending idiots of EITHER stripe.
My prediction if Santorum gets the repub nomination:

Ron Paul runs as a third party and steals enough votes from both Santorum and Obama to win the show...
By the way, have you seen the Kool-aid stand they have these days???

Pretty impressive kool-aid stand the NRA has to send you scary mailings and ask you for another check. Let's all worry about being paranoid and ignore the stump speeches by the leading GOP presidential candidate who wants to sell My Public Lands.

Josie, can you explain why you have a problem with what a PRIVATE company has as an office building? just curious why you are against what a PRIVATE company does with it's money.
Always good to see the birther crowd in attendance...

Josie, are you saying that after all the work they put into coming up with a birth certificate from hawaii, that it's a fake? and pretty sure he admitted, many times, that his father/sperm donor was from kenya.'s a clue...Santorum ain't selling your land. Quit defending idiots of EITHER stripe.

"We need to get it back into the hands of the states and even to the private sector. And we can make money doing it, we can make money doing it by selling it. So I believe that this is critically important.

Uhhhhmmmm, gosh, your clue seems to be in direct contradiction to the FACTS of his statement.

I think I know why a Texan would be defending Santorum's style of hunting.....

Here is Santorum "hunting" at "Doc's Hunt Club"...

And what is "Doc's Hunt Club"? It is a "Texas-style" hunting operation that brags about "No Bag Limits"... "tailored to individual hunters, large corporate groups". "We've Stretched Out The Hunting Season At Doc's! You Can Hunt Here From Sept. 1st Through March 31st. Plus, There's No Bag Limit - You Can Shoot As Many As You Wish. "

Ahhhhh....yes, in the best tradition of Texas-style hunting, when Ron Santorum goes hunting, he doesn't see the need for Public Lands, he just sees the need for private ranches and canned hunts.
Josie, can you explain why you have a problem with what a PRIVATE company has as an office building? just curious why you are against what a PRIVATE company does with it's money.

I got no problem with what a "PRIVATE" (haven't any clue why the word PRIVATE must be typed with all-caps) company does with their money. The NRA can, and has, built a pretty big Kool-aid stand in which to outfit some pretty plush offices for a bunch of career Washington DC types to live a life of luxury on the backs of the gullible membership.

Every dollar the spend building TajMahal-type monuments to themselves is a dollar not being spent on education, youth programs, etc... But, if you like making sure that LaPierre has $30-million view from his office, then that is your business.


Just don't mistakenly think that the NRA is doing anything effective about protecting Public Lands for hunting, nor, it the NRA any type of efficient organization for gathering and spending money on important hunting issues.

Enjoy your kool-aid.....
Uhhhhmmmm, gosh, your clue seems to be in direct contradiction to the FACTS of his statement.

I think I know why a Texan would be defending Santorum's style of hunting.....

Here is Santorum "hunting" at "Doc's Hunt Club"...

And what is "Doc's Hunt Club"? It is a "Texas-style" hunting operation that brags about "No Bag Limits"... "tailored to individual hunters, large corporate groups". "We've Stretched Out The Hunting Season At Doc's! You Can Hunt Here From Sept. 1st Through March 31st. Plus, There's No Bag Limit - You Can Shoot As Many As You Wish. "

Ahhhhh....yes, in the best tradition of Texas-style hunting, when Ron Santorum goes hunting, he doesn't see the need for Public Lands, he just sees the need for private ranches and canned hunts.

...a Kerry-Heinz referrel no doubt,:cool: ;)
Just don't mistakenly think that the NRA is doing anything effective about protecting Public Lands for hunting, nor, it the NRA any type of efficient organization for gathering and spending money on important hunting issues.

Enjoy your kool-aid.....

The NRA is not a hunting advocacy group. They are a 2nd amendment, private firearms ownership advocacy group.
To that end, they are very effective. The NRA often use rhetoric that’s over the top, and exaggerated to push their point, raise money and membership, they do so because that is what works.

I find it ironic that the very people who criticize the NRA for the use of exaggerated rhetoric are here, in this thread claiming the Rick Santorium will “end hunting in Idaho”.
Pass the popcorn.
It's just not fair for things like losing public land to even be brought up. If they were to go to a private sector it would be the end. I hunt public land for the most part unless some locals need help in controlling their herds, which has only been once in 5 years. I don't foresee us losing the public lands, but the fact that they are out there talking about it is upsetting. I'm glad I joined on here to keep myself updated on issues that continue to arise.
I feel I try to do as much as I can to continue the traditions that have been passed onto me, but know there is more I can do. It will be a cold day in hell before I sit back and watch public lands being sold to private sectors, or placed in the wrong hands. I'm only 27 and am looking forward to the day when I can take my kids out to public access that we have been so fortunate to have. But if we sit back and let this happen that can all disappear.
It belongs to us and it needs to stay that way. I have been frustrated in the past hunting on public lands and having to hunt shoulder to shoulder with people on different hunts, but that's public land for ya. I don't have the checkbook to hunt high end ranches. If we lose public lands, I myself would lose the opportunities we as public land hunters have been blessed with.
Romney is in town today, and I was going to go to his $1000 a plate fundraiser until I remembered he doesn't care about poor people, so I decided I would go to his $2500 a plate fund raiser to assure I get a decent meal.

Careful valet parking the F-150 unless you remove the Magic Muslib bumper sticker.:D

....say hello to Willard for me and don't heckle.:cool:
"haven't any clue"

Josie, for those that have been around for a while, they already know this. but thank you for pointing it out again.

"Remember to keep the glasses full and you might get a tip! John"

"That's the best post on this whole thread! "

I see this is going well. :)

BTW - Marvel is a jackass, and is usually the first one to admit it.
Interesting how a lotta hunters get really upset when WE as hunters have disagreements about modes and methods of hunting because "we need to stick together" to protect hunting as a whole. Yet, many will not waiver on partisan politic idea(ls) which also may threaten hunting as a whole.................
After reading all this BS I believe JC is one of Obama's Czars they are all over the internet trying to get him back in office for 4 more years if that happens you may as else hand your guns over cause nothing will stop this regime from taking our freedom!!!!!!
After reading all this BS I believe JC is one of Obama's Czars they are all over the internet trying to get him back in office for 4 more years if that happens you may as else hand your guns over cause nothing will stop this regime from taking our freedom!!!!!!


I was driving into Helena on Friday with my wife...she looks up and says "hey look at the black helicopter". I instantly thought about the people on this thread who would be putting on their tin foil hats saying "big brother is coming after my gun."

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