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Ryan Busse is a coward

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Can you name another country that’s better to live in than the United States?
Feel free to consult with known traitor @BuzzH

The cops probably didn’t go into because their fight or flight instincts told them it’s not a good idea to risk your life to save somebody else.
These aren’t soldiers.
This isn’t wwii.
They’re just pigs.
(lot of Europe really)
New Zealand
Probably a bunch of Asian countries... only been to a couple of spots

Lots of places... kinda depends on what you are looking for...
Can you name another country that’s better to live in than the United States?
Feel free to consult with known traitor @BuzzH

The cops probably didn’t go into because their fight or flight instincts told them it’s not a good idea to risk your life to save somebody else.
These aren’t soldiers.
This isn’t wwii.
They’re just pigs.

Just because you're the champ doesn't mean you can't get better.
Got any data to back up your claims?
What? I’m not on the side of trying to push new laws.

Post your data saying a new gun law will stop gun violence. It’s on the people who propose laws to bring for the data to show it will work.
The question was "name me a country" I responded to that and highlighted it.
there are an estimated 24 million ar/ak type guns in the country you are not going to get rid of them.
Nope. I agree on that. Just saying that you picked a specific part of a post to respond to. The post also reference mental health, which revolves around an individual. Your answer, as was pointed out, was a coordinated terrorist attack by multiple people, not a single individual. So not really comparable if we try to main a honest debate.

Any discussion of “banning” is ridiculous. Even bazookas aren’t banned. They are just classified by ATF as title II weapons. We now regulate the sale of ammonium nitrite more strictly than firearms. Should “high capacity” magazines be regulated under title II? Maybe that is a better question than comparing body counts.
Not one of the fire arms in our house did a dam thing yesterday. No different than my yard rake, shovel, or chain saw. Calling for restrictions on inanimate objects is short sighted and poorly thought out. Fire arms restrictions do not address the actual problem.
You can’t bring that up, it’s a concept lost here.

How many laws are already on the books? Adding another will surely make a difference this time.

Let’s not talk about the person, it’s the object.
Not to derail, but… not so sure about that one.
Is a random hospital in Germany better than MGH or USCF... no, but I'd argue other than maybe MA the German system is better. A lot of the US is 3rd world level, just depends on where you are.

Random [and irrelevant] fact of the day: Canada sending cancer patients to Bellingham Washington because the wait time for treatment is to long in Canada or at least BC. Unknown whether they’ll have to pay US prices?

Alaska transfers a ton of patients to the lower 48... for a while you got flown to Seattle to get a colonoscopy.
Busse isn't a coward, he's simply an expat death merchant, in social entrepreneurial for hire war-speak. He can cloak it in feel good euphemisms til the cows come home while he banks speaker and book dough shilling for left idealogues...same as he did while taking the red pill.
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Nope. I agree on that. Just saying that you picked a specific part of a post to respond to. The post also reference mental health, which revolves around an individual. Your answer, as was pointed out, was a coordinated terrorist attack by multiple people, not a single individual. So not really comparable if we try to main a honest debate.

Any discussion of “banning” is ridiculous. Even bazookas aren’t banned. They are just classified by ATF as title II weapons. We now regulate the sale of ammonium nitrite more strictly than firearms. Should “high capacity” magazines be regulated under title II? Maybe that is a better question than comparing body counts.
It was part of a coordinated attack agree, in a country with much more restrictive laws than our own, that was what I was trying (poorly) to point out.
The emphasis on the tool vs the person is I think a folly.
As has been pointed out statistically speaking the country as a whole (outside of some urban areas) is relatively safe. I really believe that mental health, the scourge of young boys without a role model i.e. a father or some male influence are very much a large part of the problem. The idea that the family was set on a path of destruction was pointed out early by Patrick Monynihan even though his report focused on African Americans we are seeing this trend occur with other groups as well.
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