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Ryan Busse is a coward

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Both sides just get too entrenched in the extremes to find them. I guess the hard stuff is just too hard (and there is no $$ in it for anyone).
Polarization is where the money is I guess. Like busse’s book title, and perhaps saying things that don’t help unpolarize things. (Sort of like how all major news networks apparently get more views and clicks/$$ when they cover a certain presidential candidate).

What I will say is that just by judging this thread alone, busse is a great salesman. Clicks and thoughts all around. More power to him I guess
ARs represent a small number of the overall gun murders, but a disproportionate amount of the "deadliest" shootings.

Of the 11 deadliest mass murders in US history, eight of them involved an AR. Two of the remaining three happened prior to 1985, only Virginia Tech is a mass shooting in the modern era that killed more than 15 people without an AR-style rifle. They're highly effective killing machines.
If you look at the source data on most of these pronouncements, you'll find that they exclude data which doesn't fit their political talking point, e.g., they exclude murders committed during "regular" crimes, and inner city drug/turf crime.

Let me pick which data to forward and I can prove any theory I want.

And of course school shootings are awful, but I don't think a mom or dad in Chicago grieves less than one in Uvalde.
Since Okie Archer isn't weighing in here, let's face it; we have a spiritual problem in the United States of America. We don't believe in anything except the latest social media fad.

There is no clear line between right and wrong.

"The falcon cannot hear the falconer. Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." W.B. Yeats.

And don't bore me with Democrat's KKK and Jim Crow, that was like many decades ago.

We're talking about morality here and now, and it's sadly lacking.

One of the foremost constitutional theorists of the founding generation, John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other".

And more recently, Elon Musk says a focus on deviant sexuality reveals a civilization in decline.

I hope he is wrong, and we can right the ship of Liberty.

There are parallels in ancient Greece. From the birthplace of democracy to, as one great Jewish comedian put it, "We've been working on our salad,".

Time will tell. God help us.

Longbow out.
Since Okie Archer isn't weighing in here, let's face it; we have a spiritual problem in the United States of America. We don't believe in anything except the latest social media fad.

There is no clear line between right and wrong.

"The falcon cannot hear the falconer. Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." W.B. Yeats.

And don't bore me with Democrat's KKK and Jim Crow, that was like many decades ago.

We're talking about morality here and now, and it's sadly lacking.

One of the foremost constitutional theorists of the founding generation, John Adams, observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other".

And more recently, Elon Musk says a focus on deviant sexuality reveals a civilization in decline.

I hope he is wrong, and we can right the ship of Liberty.

There are parallels in ancient Greece. From the birthplace of democracy to, as one great Jewish comedian put it, "We've been working on our salad,".

Time will tell. God help us.

Longbow out.
My recent experience is that those pounding their bibles and claiming to be the most religious also seem to be the most morally corrupt. Religion will not save us. Morality might.
ARs represent a small number of the overall gun murders, but a disproportionate amount of the "deadliest" shootings.

Of the 11 deadliest mass murders in US history, eight of them involved an AR. Two of the remaining three happened prior to 1985, only Virginia Tech is a mass shooting in the modern era that killed more than 15 people without an AR-style rifle. They're highly effective killing machines.

I own an AR with a silencer. I use it for predator hunting and (hopefully never) self-defense. I would turn it in to the government in a heartbeat if I thought it would save kid's lives in a school shooting. The problem is that the cat is out of the bag and there's no way they're ever seizing the 20,000,000 AR-15s already in America. The War on Guns would make the War on Drugs look like a raving success.

The problem, as I see it, is that most of the shooters bought their weapons legally. I don't know of any that bought them at gun shows without a background check, had prior convictions that would've prevented their possession of weapons, used "ghost" guns or weapons previously reported stolen, etc...

My point is that I can't see any of these proposed restrictions actually saving lives.

"Red Flag" laws are ripe for abuse by an anti-gun therapist or an estranged spouse that wants to harm their partner by claiming the partner is dangerous to themself or others. I'm not really keen on the idea of taking law-abiding citizen's constitutional rights without heavy judicial oversight... which can already be done for convicted criminals or those with certain restraining orders.

The bottom line is I don't have an answer.

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Folks have been calling them that longer than I’ve been alive.

I've been calling antlers horns for that same amount of time I'd guess.
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