Caribou Gear Tarp

Ruined a kid’s hunt


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Working in south Phillips today and popped over the hill to see a pickup with WA plates stop along the county road. I waved and drove by, but stopped about 100 yards down the road when I saw a youngster get out of the passenger side with a rifle and get in the back of the pickup. He sat his ass on a cooler and put the rifle over the side rail.

Apparently dad decided it was a bad idea when I got out of my rig and ran some video on my phone.

The doe was about 300 yards out on block management. The bma headquarters was closer than the deer.

There I go making friends again.
You have to get in the backs of pickups now to lob lead over the backs of bison in South Phillips. Sad!
The kid was just sighting in his rifle.... towards a deer.... during hunting season.... presumably wearing orange....
Sounds like just another day, to me.
Hunting roosters this AM, a truck is parked out in the middle of a river bottom, dad and junior sitting inside it - blaze orange over nice looking camo.
Thought I'd tell them I just mucked out a major portion of their view (from the seat of the truck) with my dog. Dad informed me it was pretty cold, they were sitting in the truck hoping something would run by.
It was about 45f.
Yup, "hunter" recruitement........
Sounds like just another day, to me.
Hunting roosters this AM, a truck is parked out in the middle of a river bottom, dad and junior sitting inside it - blaze orange over nice looking camo.
Thought I'd tell them I just mucked out a major portion of their view (from the seat of the truck) with my dog. Dad informed me it was pretty cold, they were sitting in the truck hoping something would run by.
It was about 45f.
Yup, "hunter" recruitement........

So what were they doing wrong?
The BMA probably has a rule where you aren't supposed to shoot that close to the headquarters either.
That’s just not enough opportunity to shoot a deer if you can’t shoot it from the truck. Montana’s an opportunity state. #opportunity
That sucks! I hate to see that, Hope you made an impression on the kid thats NOT right.
We did it right and you can see the happiness showing in her face


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