NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Romney: "I don't know what the purpose is" of public lands

Hmmm. It depends if you want public land or not. Why would you want any federal land in the US? Hell, I think I'll vote GOP and get rid of all national parks, national forest, blm etc. What good are they anyways...Oh, wait! Maybe I like to hunt, fish and enjoy the outdoors...on second thought maybe I won't vote for a dumbass that doesn't have a clue. It's quickly becoming a lesser of two evils and i guarantee, Romney hasn't said much that I've agreed with...this is just another example!

You see Romney, it's simply a place to raise the useless maggots we call wild (Feral) horses, in Nevada at least, that so many of us have come to love, errr I mean foster, errrr I mean detest, errrr I mean feed. Yet the 50 Wild (feral) Horse organizations won't let us manage them and they sure as hell are not going to take care of them. Just like to know they are there and take pictures of them I guess.

Oh yeah, and define the Western United States as the best place to live, recreate, hunt, fish, raft, camp, hike, shoot, or anything else that has to do with nature.

Sorry for the rant, but he obviously has no clue which is so sad. I can only imagine he is riding the train of "Private is Better", which in most cases is true, however when it comes to land, the Federal Land that we all use and enjoy is fine where its at. It is one of the primary bases that defines the West IMO.:)
From: "Don Peay" <[email protected]>

Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 01:07:01 -0700

Subject: Wolf War Victory Imminent !!

We went into D Day this week with 50 Co-sponsors of the Delist wolves from the ESA, I bet there will be more than 100 by noon today.

The BOLD and GUTSY move by Montana Governor Brian Sweitzer who told his fish and game personnel to kill packs of wolves to protect elk herds, to kill the entire pack of wolves if they kill one cow or sheep, and told Game and Fish Personnel NOT to prosecute any landowner from shooting wolves on private property has sent a SHOCK WAVE through Congress – we had already pounded them for two solid days.

So, Victory on this issue is imminent. We must stay focused and win a few more battles, and not relent until final and complete victory is achieved.

Congress must act by Friday night on a Continuing Resolution (CR) by this Friday or the Government Shuts down.

Senator Hatch and Barrasso and Congressman Rheberg, Chaffetz, Bishop, Matheson, Ross, and Congresswoman Lumis had anchored a great position, and had some strong support by Senators Crapo, Risch, Lee, McCain and Kyle.

So, stay tuned.

US Senator Orrin Hatch has been a complete STUD on this issue. Ryan Benson is still in DC working to make sure we get the exact right language in the final bill on wolf delisting, which could be signed by the President within 48 hours.

Ted Lyon, our top tier Texas Trial Attorney put together a very interesting meeting Tuesday night with one of Leader Reid and the Entire Democratic Senate’s Senior advisors.
I called some friends after that meeting and told them, we won. Sweitzer’s bold move, without a doubt will sealed the deal

So, it has been a long road.

Ted Lyon said it best today in DC, “This is a Roosevelt Moment”

Stay tuned.

Thanks to the tens of thousands who really dug in and helped deliver a monumental victory for Conservation.

Ryan Benson and I have been keeping some notes, we are going to write a book about this, if nothing else, It might become a Harvard case study about how to do what most say can’t be done. It will be a fascinating read for all who love wild places and wild things.
In a few hours I have breakfast with Fmr Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. I spent a couple fun days in December hunting elk with him in Western Montana, it will interesting to see what he thinks about this bold move in leadership.
Don Peay

Wow. Anti-public lands, wasn't sure what he was hunting, and he was with Peay at the time.
Every state wildlife division will be required to stock strippers on all public lands!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Oak, back to the point of this thread.

Does this mean Romney is a true blue Eastern Tenderfoot?
You should hear the hatred of everything federal that is constantly in the news here in Utah. Federal land bad. Federal regulation bad. Federal money bad. They are all Republicans.

Teddy R was the last Republicans who gave a damn about public lands and sportsmen. Support for the second amendment doesn't mean much if they destroy opportunity for average hunters to enjoy hunting.
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