Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Questions arise from Scalia-Cheney hunt

The facts have been posted no less than three times. They will not be posted again. The issue is resolved; ergo, I will not be called a liar or have my integrity impuned without cause or recourse. I deserve to be treated cordially at a minimum and I am afraid I will insist on no less than that. You know the way the three of you are acting; I certainly hope you aren't raising children. Would be a real shame to raise kids without imparting at least a general understanding of self discipline, manners, and respect for the personal rights of others. And so many hunters wonder why the "group" is identified as assholes! :rolleyes: There is nothing in writing that says we must get along with one another. I'll suggest an alternative; steer clear. Since you seem to be reluctant to commit to acting like adults; then I'll stay out of your way; and off your threads, and you are invited to do likewise.
The facts have been posted no less than 3 times???I disagree...I still havent seen where you were called a liar. I havent seen ONE fact concerning that. Hey, if it were true, I'd agree, but someone questioning your post, is not calling you a liar.

Practice what you preach, being questioned on your post, in no way, deserves a reply from you that threatens a lawsuit of libel. Thats being cordial? Hmmm???

Apparently your definition of the word "cordial" is different from mine.

Cordially yours,

Possibly but doubtful, Buzz. I'm sure that with the proper research you will come to the same conclusions that I have or at least easily discover corraboration for the inferred accusation. In any case the issue is between myself and Elkgunner and frankly; none of your business.
What happened to the Scalia/Cheney discussion? As I read it Scalia took Cheney. Scalia has been hunting with these guys for years.
Paws, what you post on a BB is not a private discussion and ANYONE can offer up there opinion. Buzz can come to his friends defense if he wishes. I usually don't agree with Elkgunner and Buzz, but I do agree they have the right to state their opinion, without threats of legal action.
Paws, again I'll have to disagree...

In my opinion, your "corraboration for the inferred accusation", wouldnt have a legal leg to stand on in any court regarding a lawsuit of libel. Wheres the malice for questioning something you said?? Questioning statements made by people/groups happens every freaking day...in the news, in person, and in the press...BFD.

I'm starting to see why, perhaps, you were excused from NAHC.

Cordially yours,

You sir are far too short sighted, in my humble opinion, to see anything. Again let me reiterate; it is none of your business!
Buzz, I'm not sure but possibly where Claws thinks he was called a liar was on another thread, maybe the one in which they were discussing Harley Davidson. Either way, threatening legal action is ridiculous. All the name calling and arguments there have been on here, and I've never once heard of anybody threatening a law suit, until now. Just crazy... :rolleyes:
WH, if thats where it happened...perhaps Paws should refrain from bringing it up on this thread.

Seems to me he's packing his troubles to other threads...in fact it seems Paws has quite a bit of "baggage".

Paws, let us know how the lawsuit goes... :rolleyes:

I'm sure Gunner will provide all the details from his side of the court room.

Very Cordially yours,

WH; arguements I don't have a problem with. Name calling, to a certain extent I can take although I would like to think that adults would conduct themselves better especially in the presence of strangers. False accusations, I simply will not tolerate. Buzz, it is still none of your business!
Paws, if you dont want people in your business...

I got a solution:

Dont post your business or your threats on a public forum.

I'm suprised a learned "man?", like you hasnt figured that out yet.

Back to just "Cordially" yours,

My question is, WHAT kind of Ducks did they Kill and HOW many did they kill ?!?!? thats what you liars and Backstabbing, big word useing, My PEE PEE is bigger punk a$$ arguers should be tawlkin' bout !!! :D :D
No threat; planned, checklist course of action Buzz. And you are correct it is a public forum. I would think that folk communicating on a public forum would be a bit more polite. Well, in any case I did offer you, Elkgunner, and Colorado Oak the opportunity to accept the handshake and start over so to speak. I think I have waited long enough for your replies. It is obvious to me that you are not interested in behaving like adults or decent human beings; therefore, I will not respond to further posts offered by you. It is obviously a waste of my time to believe that any of you are capable of growing beyond your venomous, tunnel vision, sense of humanity. Be well. See you in the woods!
Whiskers, the article states that Cheney paid for some of Scalia's expenses. Given the usual media spin that could just mean that he picked up the bar tab one night, but either way Scalia shouldn't have been there.
In any case the issue is between myself and Elkgunner and frankly; none of your business.
I have not yet decided whether I will take the Olive Branch you extended to myself, Buzz, and Oak. I was dissappointed to see that it was withdrawn.

My main reluctance at accepting your Olive Branch is the confusion of what the act was that has so outrageously upset you that you resort to threatening legal action. I worry about promising to never do something in the future when I don't understand what behaviour in the past was offensive.

Since you seem reluctant to answer many of the questions Buzz has asked, would it be possible for you to answer questions from me? As you do state that I am a party to this "business".

  • Has the Slanderous act been committed yet?</font>
  • When was it committed? Links would be great.</font>
  • What are the Damages you have suffered to date?</font>
  • Have you taken all possible steps to minimize damages, if said damages have occured?</font>
If you can help me out with the above questions, that can help me to understand what it is that concerns you.

Thank you in advance for your time,
Cordially yours,
Originally posted by Whiskers:

Paws, what you post on a BB is not a private discussion and ANYONE can offer up there opinion. Buzz can come to his friends defense if he wishes. I usually don't agree with Elkgunner and Buzz, but I do agree they have the right to state their opinion, without threats of legal action.
You don't usually agree with me???? :eek: I'm shocked.... (
Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I don't even agree with me, but I just try and get DGibson to comment without killing a thread. ;) )

And I agree with you the threats of legal action have no place here. What is wrong with a good old round of "My Dad can Beat Up Your Dad"? :D



There is "The Facts!" three more times..

How many ducks did they kill??
