Question: Turkeys & shot placement

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Is it okay to shoot the turkey at the front bird feeder, or do I wait until they're at the one on the side of the House so I don't have a school bus drive by as I'm peppering some SOB for stealing the squirrel's food?

Also, and I don't know why this isn't already a thing, but if you have flushing dogs, turkeys are upland game birds that can be shot on the wing. I feel like we're being lied too by everyone that says you have to shoot them on the ground.
Is it okay to shoot the turkey at the front bird feeder, or do I wait until they're at the one on the side of the House so I don't have a school bus drive by as I'm peppering some SOB for stealing the squirrel's food?

Also, and I don't know why this isn't already a thing, but if you have flushing dogs, turkeys are upland game birds that can be shot on the wing. I feel like we're being lied too by everyone that says you have to shoot them on the ground.
Definitely let them walk to back of the house.
Is it okay to shoot the turkey at the front bird feeder, or do I wait until they're at the one on the side of the House so I don't have a school bus drive by as I'm peppering some SOB for stealing the squirrel's food?

Also, and I don't know why this isn't already a thing, but if you have flushing dogs, turkeys are upland game birds that can be shot on the wing. I feel like we're being lied too by everyone that says you have to shoot them on the ground.
Upland birds you say......

Good Boy!


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Is it okay to shoot the turkey at the front bird feeder, or do I wait until they're at the one on the side of the House so I don't have a school bus drive by as I'm peppering some SOB for stealing the squirrel's food?

Also, and I don't know why this isn't already a thing, but if you have flushing dogs, turkeys are upland game birds that can be shot on the wing. I feel like we're being lied too by everyone that says you have to shoot them on the ground.

I’m gonna tell a little more on my shooting prowess and preparedness. I stalked a tom a few years ago on a creek bottom, as he got behind s cedar tree I sprang from my cover and charged him. Only thing was he went 1 way and I looked around the other side, he jumped the fence, I shot him, he tried to fly, shot him again, got him with the 3rd shot and he continued to run and I was out of shells. So I fixed bayonet and chased him down. I finally got him killed. It’s stories like this that make me wonder why I even attempt to hunt anything more than squirrels……….

So long and short, kill ‘em anyway you can.
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Also, and I don't know why this isn't already a thing, but if you have flushing dogs, turkeys are upland game birds that can be shot on the wing. I feel like we're being lied too by everyone that says you have to shoot them on the ground.
Just make sure you kill'em good with the first shot - a wounded turkey is tough on a dog.
Update: Small Tom & a medium sized Jake were under the sunflower seeds acting like neighborhood toughs yesterday monring.

The dogs damned near split in half trying to get through the slider door. Ultimately, they flushed too far out for an ethical shot, and the season isn't "technically" open yet.
Stupid technicalities.....