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Posting a Photo - Second Try


New member
Jun 3, 2002
Colorado Springs, CO
Even old dogs can learn new tricks. I've been learning about my photo editor. Let's see if it worked.

KC :confused:


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-16-2002 21:17: Message edited by: KC ]</font>
That picture size is perfect!! Congrats on the bull, it looks like that one side is deformed or something. What state did you get him in??

Now the photo looks like I hoped it would. :D

The antlers are non typical and palmated. Maybe he was eating loco weed. I will try to post a better picture when I get the skull mount back from the taxidermist.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-16-2002 21:20: Message edited by: KC ]</font>
Ahhhhhhhh......... Much better. It is a nice elk in both pictures though. Please do post the picture again when your scull mount is done.
Nice bull! Fantastic photo!!!!! I shot a bull two years ago that was laying on his back just like your bull is in the picture. I think the bull I killed also had a broken "arm." Mabye they're related!?!?!
Nice elk!!!
can't wait to see what it looks like where you can get a good look at the head gear!! :D :D :D
We saw a bull in the back of someone's truck in New Mexico that had one antler coming out forward, over his nose! It was a decent 5 point on the other horn. The skull had been caped, so you could see that the skull actually had the base of the horn was angled like that, rather than just grown crooked from a straight base. Wierd looking thing.

Congrats on your bull! and the great picture...