Please shut down the Gov't


Nov 12, 2004
I wish they would shut it down for at least a month...I think we can survive:eek:
Will goberment cheese still be produced if the goberment is closed? Need that for my breakfast burritos.

Other than that, no problems.
I wish they would shut it down for at least a month...I think we can survive:eek:

It would hurt us in Montana working our assess off to keep some stupid wolf legislation from passing. We need the deal made today. This is shaping up to be a perfect storm for stupidity to prevail.
It would hurt us in Montana working our assess off to keep some stupid wolf legislation from passing. We need the deal made today. This is shaping up to be a perfect storm for stupidity to prevail.

All politics is local...right SS?;)
I wonder if most people know the budget is supposed to be in place by Oct. 1 of the previous year?

I'm of the opinion that if these Senators and Congressmen cannot do their jobs, they should all be fired and we start over from scratch.

If I dont do my job, I get shit-canned...if they dont do their job, they get a pay raise. Congress has become so inept they cant even agree on a friggin' budget. Absolutely unacceptable, its what we elect these clowns to do.

Further, the chump change they're arguing over and the places they want to cut funding from is ridiculous.

How about quit spending a trillion dollars on a war you shouldnt have been involved in to begin with? Oh, no, we wont worry about that, lets squabble over CRP funding.

Frickin' idiots trip over dollars to pick up pennies.

I could care less if I'm furloughed for a month, just wish it was during hunting season though. But hey...wait a minute...I may get to hunt turkeys afterall!
If government is shut down, can we hunt wolves during the shutdown? Hell if the Smithsonian will be closed can't USFWS close? ;)
If folks are eager for a shutdown, let's do it for real.....

Cease all military operations worldwide
shut down all federal law enforcement
pull all foreign service personnel from duty
stop all the state's federal funding program
stop social security check disbursement
cease all IRS activities

LWCF program gone, yeah, that'll save many trillions.....

Oh, and force the dorks in the DC halls to work without pay (as if it'll hurt em) til resolution.
and, send Obama's house staff home.....Mickey Dee's for the first family.

Let's shut 'er all down....give those that want it a real dose of what they asked for, and make those that don't want it or need it not to happen really pissed. The acceleration of the polarization of the flock is maybe the real plan here........oooh evil....

Gotta love Buzz'es "trippin over dollars to pick up pennies" total truth.
Let's open everything up for biness, at all cost, who cares about the consequences.

The "shutdown" is a blip on the screen...the whole ride is gonna take a lot longer....

That was fun.....but I don't think I'l go there again - it's too ridiculous of a situation.

Lewis Black "..the Republicans-the party of bad ideas....the Democrats-the party of no ideas".
I wonder if most people know the budget is supposed to be in place by Oct. 1 of the previous year?

I'm of the opinion that if these Senators and Congressmen cannot do their jobs, they should all be fired and we start over from scratch.

What do you think happend to a whole bunch of them in November? What do you think would of happend to a whole bunch more of them in November had they pushed there budget through on a party line vote, to increase spending and entiltment programs? There wouldnt be a chance to push this Simpson language through either now.
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A whole bunch?

Thats a long way from ALL.

If I'm going to bother sending a message...I want it loud and clear. Do your jobs...if you dont, heres a road map and your last pay check.

Entitlement programs are the problem?

Speaking of government spending...none of us really get what or how much a trillion, or billion or even a million dollars really is...or at least I don't fully grasp it. I did see this little exersise that helped me comprehend it a little more. Caution: if you don't want to be called a liberal or Obama lover or what ever don't watch this video. The way I see it both sides spend way too much so take it with a grain of salt.
Speaking of government spending...none of us really get what or how much a trillion, or billion or even a million dollars really is...or at least I don't fully grasp it.

To get an idea of what a trillion dollars is, think of it like this. You would have to make $1.36 million A DAY from the time Jesus walked (2000 years ago or 730,000 days give or take a few) until now to make $1,000,000,000,000! :eek:
Geesh Genesis....since you put it that way!!! WOW.

I'm with Buzz... I might get a day of turkey hunting out of this, but I doubt it will be shut down long ennough for me to get after Bear....

Cut out the fricken wellfare to aliens... and to anyone that is spending it on bullshit.... they should be eating beans and rice and the cheapest protein you can buy... you want to eat Pizza... Get a Job.... Welfare gluttons should have NO luxuries.... you want luxury... Work for it.....
Seems to be at least a few lazy, overpaid fed nonessential employees on this site:D. I'm hoping my wife gets some flies tied for me during her little federal siesta....

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