Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Please shut down the Gov't

Just read that there looks to be an agreement to prevent shutdown. Stay tuned. I'm only happy for the Simpson testor thing other than that I think it sucks.
Just read that there looks to be an agreement to prevent shutdown. Stay tuned. I'm only happy for the Simpson testor thing other than that I think it sucks.

Interesting post, lawnboy. Seems a "shutdown" has an affect, no matter what, on all kinds of folks somehow. If it's a shutdown that's needed, then shut it down - completely.
Wolf "thing" - gone. Too bad. I don't want the chances of a wolf deal to go away either... I hope you see my point.
Does anyone know if Reid allowed the Simson Tester language to stay in? I guess we might not know all the details for a while. Man I want to hunt wolves
So, DPeay says Barb Boxer is working to remove the language from the Senate version. Wouldn't that mean, it has to go back through again. He also said Obama wouldn't allow any riders so that meant it wouldn't be in the bill. DPeay said so. Just saying.:rolleyes:
Shoots straight,

Read the post I just put up under that thread...

'ol DKP must have amnesia or be on the sauce.


I should...I only have 1100 hours of sick leave...and I'm definately sick of congress and their crap.
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Hey Don,

If BS was music...you'd be John Philip Sousa.

Funny as hell. You deserved to nail him more than any other poster I know. Congratulions, that ones going to leave a mark. If I was a betting man, I would say, right about now, he's back under that rock.
I can't find anything saying squat about Simpson Tester, staying in, getting cut.

Hoping, hoping......

On a side note, 414 was delaying til Monday. If S-T is in there, that should be some serious leverage for those Republicans that are on the fence, knowing they shouldn't vote yes on it, to maybe vote no, and get our hunt plans started eh?

They are really in a pinch, they don't want to be on the "wrong side" of the wolf deal, they know damn good and well this a bad bill, but they also know most of the voting public will deem them pro-wolf if they vote no.

I tried to empathized with a few on the committee about this, but still strongly urged them to go against it. Honey and flies I guess.
I can't find anything saying squat about Simpson Tester, staying in, getting cut.

Hoping, hoping......

On a side note, 414 was delaying til Monday. If S-T is in there, that should be some serious leverage for those Republicans that are on the fence, knowing they shouldn't vote yes on it, to maybe vote no, and get our hunt plans started eh?

They are really in a pinch, they don't want to be on the "wrong side" of the wolf deal, they know damn good and well this a bad bill, but they also know most of the voting public will deem them pro-wolf if they vote no.

I tried to empathized with a few on the committee about this, but still strongly urged them to go against it. Honey and flies I guess.

Word I get, is the entire crew of representatives from up north, are voting "FOR" the bill. I don't have e-mail's from any sportsman's org from up there to correspond with. If you have one drop me a line.
Doesn't surprise me. The whole lot of clucks we elected up here, aside from Zink, have fallen in line this whole session.

Vincent must have his eye on the governor's mansion or something. What a stupid time to try to modify the wolf mgt plan. Biggest problem is, Vincents are revered like Gods up here because of his old man.

I sent a couple scathing emails to Beck and Brohdel, total waste of time and energy for sure. Cuffe should really know better. Eureka is small town, I can rake him over the coals in a second with who I know up there. He better be damn careful.
Doesn't surprise me. The whole lot of clucks we elected up here, aside from Zink, have fallen in line this whole session.

Vincent must have his eye on the governor's mansion or something. What a stupid time to try to modify the wolf mgt plan. Biggest problem is, Vincents are revered like Gods up here because of his old man.

I sent a couple scathing emails to Beck and Brohdel, total waste of time and energy for sure. Cuffe should really know better. Eureka is small town, I can rake him over the coals in a second with who I know up there. He better be damn careful.

If the best Chas Vincent can do was represented by his testimony on his own SB400.......I don't care how popular his family is - get my drift. SS can attest.....
I asked him if it bothered him that pro-wolf folks were supporting his own anti-wolf bill. I am sure that went over like a turd in a punch bowl.
Shoots straight,

Read the post I just put up under that thread...

'ol DKP must have amnesia or be on the sauce.

Wife just yelled upstairs, "What are you laughing about?" It would take too long for her to get the humor of your post over there, so I just told her, "Had to have been there."

Good stuff Buzz. Very good.

Rumor is that they are going to finalize the rider language issues this weekend. We should know by Monday if Simpson-Tester becomes law.

If it stays in, I see the BGF/SFW spin is already changing direction in order to hedge their bet if Simpson-Tester passes. All of a sudden, it is a great step forward if it passes, though just a month ago, the SFW/BGF spin doctors were calling Simpson-Tester to be bail outs and the NRA/B&C/SCI/CSF were SUPPOSED hunting organizations.

I bet your questions go unanswered over there, Buzz. In fact, I will pay 5:1 that they don't get answered.

I do bet some new nonsensical post shows up from the Kool-Aid crowd by noon tomorrow.

God, I hope that language stays in there.
Will you still get your food stamps?

Nope, I am a "LEGAL" American... so I can't get them:p...but I hope you still get yours.... plus Gold/Silver are skyrocketing..I was Hoping the I.R.S. would shut down:hump:

A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that wants to restrict immigration, says that immigrant households with children in Arizona use welfare programs at a higher rate than in any other state.

Nationwide, the report found that immigrant households with children use welfare programs much more often than native households with children,
57 percent compared with 39 percent.

The report also found that households headed by illegal immigrants used welfare programs more often than households headed by legal immigrants, 71 percent compared with 52 percent
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