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NRA protesters

1pointer yes that is my opinion but it doesn't count much. I know what your saying but it happens everyday on gunbroker already the FFL is just a go between making money because most of the transactions are across state lines. I just can't understand the huge loop holes in gun legislation. There is room for a lot of good changes. But saying that we will never see any because anything Washington touches turns into a complete disaster.
Our biggest challenge with firearms IMO is keeping them out of mentally unstable subjects hands but gee how can that be tackled is the million dollar question?
Thanks for the reply. In regards to your last sentence, where that line of "mentally unstable subjects" is drawn is very important and would be contentious. And depending on where/how that line is drawn could hit very close to home for my household; specifically for this guy.
DSCN2358 by Tyler Staggs, on Flickr
Instead of pumping millions of dollars into trying to change the 2nd, I really wish that someone would invest some money into a system that would be free (or inexpensive) for private sellers to have a background completed on someone they wish to sell to. I personally don't sell guns to anyone that I don't know, but I can imagine if that resource was available it could make that transaction much more safe. Although I do agree with many earlier statements: criminals do get guns no matter how illegal it is. And at this point the vast majority of firearm related homicides aren't done with nice, new guns; people are being killed by old, greasy, crummy contraptions that very few people on this forum would want anywhere near their gun safe. You'd be much better off banning Hi-Points than AR-15s.
Yes sir that is one happy guy right there. That is a line that is almost darn near impossible to draw is my opinion. Which is why I don't think we will ever see that happen way to many variables and scenarios. I gotta say you opened up a new avenue for me to think on this subject now. Thanks!
You'd be much better off banning Hi-Points than AR-15s.[/QUOTE]

Man you hit the nail on the head there!
Our founding fathers were brilliant! It’s a shame as to what goes on today. I just retired as a LEO for nearly 30 years. When it comes to prosecuting criminals the system is so far broken it will never ever fix itself. I’m not talking about guilty people who got off on a technicality. I’m talking about as an example of child molesters. I have seen persons who were accused, interviewed, gave written and videotaped confessions to multiple victims go to court plead guilty and get sentenced to ten years prison with 9 years suspended and one year probation. What does that mean? The defendant got one year probation. Free to walk out of the courtroom.
I’m not talking about someone writing a bad check or driving while suspended. I’m talking about meth cooks who manufacture methamphetamine and sell little corner baggies to anyone who has cash or a vagina. The logistics of meth on both sides of the fence is insane. The user wears their family and anyone else out constantly beg borrowing or stealing. The cook has their customers out stealing/buying ingredients to manufacture the meth along with the beg borrowing and stealing. So you have people with money buying meth and others trading sexual favors for it. Then you have someone with access to prescription medication. You have all the friends and family of the involved doing everything they can to keep their son or daughter out of trouble. Spending their money trying to buy time hoping their child or family member gets cleaned up.
So you have the user who is making bad decisions. They need help. Then you got the cooks/dealer creating all of the havoc. Then you got the all the other agencies involved in one way or another. Then you have the judges with their drug court programs. The judges wrap both the user and dealer into the same fold. Then order them into drug court. The user needs drug court. The dealer needs 20 years first offense to show their is jeopardy to this game.
When I first started I was absolutely furious at what I saw. At the end I was even more furious as I was now dealing with the grandkids doing what papaw showed them.
Maybe that’s why I had a career ending heart attack....
Would you propose the same for a private sale? I am unaware of anything that can be legally purchased not to be sold legally in a private transaction.

Umm, prescription drugs? Fortunately for us, it's illegal to sell them in a private transaction, otherwise we might have an abuse problem in this country. </irony>
Yes sir that is one happy guy right there. That is a line that is almost darn near impossible to draw is my opinion. Which is why I don't think we will ever see that happen way to many variables and scenarios. I gotta say you opened up a new avenue for me to think on this subject now. Thanks!
He was very happy with himself. Second deer of the year and this one at a long distance for him. He's a sweet, smart kid, gets good grades, and doesn't get into much trouble. But, depending on where the line is drawn he, and a larger number of youngsters than many would recognize, could be on the outside looking in depending on where the line is drawn...

Umm, prescription drugs? Fortunately for us, it's illegal to sell them in a private transaction, otherwise we might have an abuse problem in this country. </irony>
That's one I didn't think of. Thanks for pointing it out. Not unusual as I don't put too much thought into my posts. ;)
Our founding fathers were brilliant! It’s a shame as to what goes on today. I just retired as a LEO for nearly 30 years. When it comes to prosecuting criminals the system is so far broken it will never ever fix itself. I’m not talking about guilty people who got off on a technicality. I’m talking about as an example of child molesters. I have seen persons who were accused, interviewed, gave written and videotaped confessions to multiple victims go to court plead guilty and get sentenced to ten years prison with 9 years suspended and one year probation. What does that mean? The defendant got one year probation. Free to walk out of the courtroom.
I’m not talking about someone writing a bad check or driving while suspended. I’m talking about meth cooks who manufacture methamphetamine and sell little corner baggies to anyone who has cash or a vagina. The logistics of meth on both sides of the fence is insane. The user wears their family and anyone else out constantly beg borrowing or stealing. The cook has their customers out stealing/buying ingredients to manufacture the meth along with the beg borrowing and stealing. So you have people with money buying meth and others trading sexual favors for it. Then you have someone with access to prescription medication. You have all the friends and family of the involved doing everything they can to keep their son or daughter out of trouble. Spending their money trying to buy time hoping their child or family member gets cleaned up.
So you have the user who is making bad decisions. They need help. Then you got the cooks/dealer creating all of the havoc. Then you got the all the other agencies involved in one way or another. Then you have the judges with their drug court programs. The judges wrap both the user and dealer into the same fold. Then order them into drug court. The user needs drug court. The dealer needs 20 years first offense to show their is jeopardy to this game.
When I first started I was absolutely furious at what I saw. At the end I was even more furious as I was now dealing with the grandkids doing what papaw showed them.
Maybe that’s why I had a career ending heart attack....

I agree completely our system needs a complete overhaul. If the folks who really cared about justice knew what was really happening they would crap their pants!!!
Until the gun grabbers like Schumer/Pelosi/Finestien and many others in Congress/Senate get control again, then you'll sing a different tune.

That's what they want you to believe..... Two radical extremist groups going at each other, the NRA and anti-gun propaganda.... Could be said about the two loser parties. When will this country do what is best for the majority and not what is best for their parties donors.
The NRA is full of whack jobs the far left is also full of wack jobs. Oliver North is the soon to be president and is a scum bag piece of garbage who is a should have been branded as a traitor who sold weapons to a foreign enemy, Iran. The fact they would appoint him shows how stupid the NRA is. The NRA uses the second amendment as a shield to make M.O.N.E.Y. Now before you blow your tinfoil hat off your head and accuse me of being a "liberal" or a "they", as Dan O so eloquently puts it in his failed attempt to lump everyone he doesn't agree with in one category, I don't oppose the ownership of any gun but THERE ARE some common sense approaches and regulations that should be in place regardless of the presence or lack their of, of gun violence.

I see a lot of parallels to driving a car and owning a gun. To drive a car you need training and a license (if you use the "forefathers nonsense argument here and can't understand why that's not relevant please throw your computer out the window and go back to elementary school) and a drivers license doesn't allow you to drive anything with wheels. Want to drive a semi truck? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a school bus? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a motorcycle? Need additional training and licenses. I think this common sense approach can be applied to firearms. Some basic training should be required, hunters safety, concealed carry class, etc., in order to own a hand gun or shotgun. Want a own a semi automatic rifle or AR style rifle then you need more training and licenses. Wouldn't keep law abiding citizens from owning a firearm and some 18 year old kid can't walk into a sporting good store and pass a background check and get a gun. Would it prevent all future gun violence instances, hell no. That solution doesn't exist but we should strive for it regardless.

Also here are a list of offenses that should prevent you from EVER owning a gun...
1. ANY drunk driving/driving while intoxicated violation
2. ANY assault charge (Got drunk and got in a fight at bar? Tough shit, get a life)
3. ANY domestic abuse charge
4. Permanently expelled from high school
5. ANY illegal drug charge (yes im pro marijuana but I would still include this)
6. Dishonorable discharge from the military
.....Im sure there are more but i'll start with these

Stop the nonsense that our forefathers were "geniuses", they were just people like you and I. The true genius of what they wrote down is that they knew they wouldn't have all the answers for the future and they made avenues to amend and fix their framework as time passes on. This is a multi, multi layered problem where attention needs to be spread to many points. Regulation, background checks, number of guns produced, mental health, personal freedoms vs. illegal search and seizure, many, many things need to be addressed. If you sit behind your computer and blame "lack of god", or "liberals", or "gun nuts", or the "NRA", or "Democrats", or "Republicans", or "Obama", or "Trump", all you are doing is proving to everyone you are a idiot and incapable of complex thought. Enjoy.
Guys wllm1313 just wanted to make sure everyone knew he was a racist. Good job wllm!

I'm going to assume you just misinterpreted my comment and then panicked and typed something.

The whole point of the black lives matter movement is the epidemic level of violence in our inner cities that disproportionately effects the black community.

Let me dumb it down;
"But no one protests that."-Tradewind
"In fact good sir you are incorrect, for the last 4 years there has been a nation wide civil rights group called black lives matter that has made shooting statistics like this one of the issue they focus on."-wllm1313
Your response sounds very logical on paper. Your the good citizen and I’m the bad one. You go to training and schooling to obtain a license to possess firearms. You have to attend a couple of classes each year for continued education. You do everything you are supposed to do. Spotless.
I stand down at the laundry mat enjoying the free light and heat. I decide I want a nice handgun so I can protect myself from other sharks. One of my associates falls short on his debt payment. I tell him I want a handgun and ammo as part of his payment he is short on. I tell him I want the payment and gun for the interest.... or else. So he leaves and is hanging with the son of your neighbor. He tells your neighbors son that he needs a handgun real fast. The son says “my neighbor has a bunch of guns”.
So they go over to your house bust out the side door glass window to your attached garage. Go to your interior door which is probably unlocked if not it’s flimsy and one kick and their in.
Everyone keeps their jewelry in the bedroom or bathroom. Everyone keeps their meds in the bathroom or at the kitchen sink. So they grab your jewelry,meds and find a handgun you keep by your bed and leave.
My associate ditches your neighbors son and walks down to the laundry mat. While enroute he calls me on his cell phone. I tell him to stay over by the hardware store and I send my girlfriend to walk over and get the handgun from him.
Now I have your handgun without attending a single class. The handgun is not linked to me.
fwagner, your analogy with qualifying to operate vehicles is well-expressed and appreciated. The blame game, divisiveness, and conspiracy theories regarding all those folks who want to abolish the 2nd Amendment and "take our guns away" is not helpful, but when exploited by the NRA and radicals both D's and R's to solicity MONEY is not a healthy dynamic for our nation, in my opinion.
The NRA is full of whack jobs the far left is also full of wack jobs. Oliver North is the soon to be president and is a scum bag piece of garbage who is a should have been branded as a traitor who sold weapons to a foreign enemy, Iran. The fact they would appoint him shows how stupid the NRA is. The NRA uses the second amendment as a shield to make M.O.N.E.Y. Now before you blow your tinfoil hat off your head and accuse me of being a "liberal" or a "they", as Dan O so eloquently puts it in his failed attempt to lump everyone he doesn't agree with in one category, I don't oppose the ownership of any gun but THERE ARE some common sense approaches and regulations that should be in place regardless of the presence or lack their of, of gun violence.

I see a lot of parallels to driving a car and owning a gun. To drive a car you need training and a license (if you use the "forefathers nonsense argument here and can't understand why that's not relevant please throw your computer out the window and go back to elementary school) and a drivers license doesn't allow you to drive anything with wheels. Want to drive a semi truck? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a school bus? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a motorcycle? Need additional training and licenses. I think this common sense approach can be applied to firearms. Some basic training should be required, hunters safety, concealed carry class, etc., in order to own a hand gun or shotgun. Want a own a semi automatic rifle or AR style rifle then you need more training and licenses. Wouldn't keep law abiding citizens from owning a firearm and some 18 year old kid can't walk into a sporting good store and pass a background check and get a gun. Would it prevent all future gun violence instances, hell no. That solution doesn't exist but we should strive for it regardless.

Also here are a list of offenses that should prevent you from EVER owning a gun...
1. ANY drunk driving/driving while intoxicated violation
2. ANY assault charge (Got drunk and got in a fight at bar? Tough shit, get a life)
3. ANY domestic abuse charge
4. Permanently expelled from high school
5. ANY illegal drug charge (yes im pro marijuana but I would still include this)
6. Dishonorable discharge from the military
.....Im sure there are more but i'll start with these

Stop the nonsense that our forefathers were "geniuses", they were just people like you and I. The true genius of what they wrote down is that they knew they wouldn't have all the answers for the future and they made avenues to amend and fix their framework as time passes on. This is a multi, multi layered problem where attention needs to be spread to many points. Regulation, background checks, number of guns produced, mental health, personal freedoms vs. illegal search and seizure, many, many things need to be addressed. If you sit behind your computer and blame "lack of god", or "liberals", or "gun nuts", or the "NRA", or "Democrats", or "Republicans", or "Obama", or "Trump", all you are doing is proving to everyone you are a idiot and incapable of complex thought. Enjoy.

Thank you for the your comment. I don't remember my writing ever being called "eloquently" that's cool. As far as your position comparing the 2nd Amendment with the right to operate a vehicle. The 2nd Amendment is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Operating a vehicle is a right granted by the State and regulated by the State.
As for the list of offenses that should ban a person from owning a firearm #'s 3, 5 & 6 are currently listed on the ATF form. As far as training I encourage anyone to learn the basics of firearms safety. The NRA has a number of classes for people if they want it. Hunter safety programs are another good program regarding gun safety and is also required to obtain a hunting license in many States. Gunsite and Thunder Ranch are other great examples for folks to further their education.
Now the tinfoil hat thing...... no worries mine is made of heavy duty tinfoil, all is good.
Thanks for your post I enjoyed reading it. Have a great day.

Thank you for the your comment. I don't remember my writing ever being called "eloquently" that's cool. As far as your position comparing the 2nd Amendment with the right to operate a vehicle. The 2nd Amendment is a right guaranteed by the Constitution. Operating a vehicle is a right granted by the State and regulated by the State.
As for the list of offenses that should ban a person from owning a firearm #'s 3, 5 & 6 are currently listed on the ATF form. As far as training I encourage anyone to learn the basics of firearms safety. The NRA has a number of classes for people if they want it. Hunter safety programs are another good program regarding gun safety and is also required to obtain a hunting license in many States. Gunsite and Thunder Ranch are other great examples for folks to further their education.
Now the tinfoil hat thing...... no worries mine is made of heavy duty tinfoil, all is good.
Thanks for your post I enjoyed reading it. Have a great day.


Dan, don't complicate the discussion by stating facts.
The NRA is full of whack jobs the far left is also full of wack jobs. Oliver North is the soon to be president and is a scum bag piece of garbage who is a should have been branded as a traitor who sold weapons to a foreign enemy, Iran. The fact they would appoint him shows how stupid the NRA is. The NRA uses the second amendment as a shield to make M.O.N.E.Y. Now before you blow your tinfoil hat off your head and accuse me of being a "liberal" or a "they", as Dan O so eloquently puts it in his failed attempt to lump everyone he doesn't agree with in one category, I don't oppose the ownership of any gun but THERE ARE some common sense approaches and regulations that should be in place regardless of the presence or lack their of, of gun violence.

I see a lot of parallels to driving a car and owning a gun. To drive a car you need training and a license (if you use the "forefathers nonsense argument here and can't understand why that's not relevant please throw your computer out the window and go back to elementary school) and a drivers license doesn't allow you to drive anything with wheels. Want to drive a semi truck? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a school bus? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a motorcycle? Need additional training and licenses. I think this common sense approach can be applied to firearms. Some basic training should be required, hunters safety, concealed carry class, etc., in order to own a hand gun or shotgun. Want a own a semi automatic rifle or AR style rifle then you need more training and licenses. Wouldn't keep law abiding citizens from owning a firearm and some 18 year old kid can't walk into a sporting good store and pass a background check and get a gun. Would it prevent all future gun violence instances, hell no. That solution doesn't exist but we should strive for it regardless.

Also here are a list of offenses that should prevent you from EVER owning a gun...
1. ANY drunk driving/driving while intoxicated violation
2. ANY assault charge (Got drunk and got in a fight at bar? Tough shit, get a life)
3. ANY domestic abuse charge
4. Permanently expelled from high school
5. ANY illegal drug charge (yes im pro marijuana but I would still include this)
6. Dishonorable discharge from the military
.....Im sure there are more but i'll start with these

Stop the nonsense that our forefathers were "geniuses", they were just people like you and I. The true genius of what they wrote down is that they knew they wouldn't have all the answers for the future and they made avenues to amend and fix their framework as time passes on. This is a multi, multi layered problem where attention needs to be spread to many points. Regulation, background checks, number of guns produced, mental health, personal freedoms vs. illegal search and seizure, many, many things need to be addressed. If you sit behind your computer and blame "lack of god", or "liberals", or "gun nuts", or the "NRA", or "Democrats", or "Republicans", or "Obama", or "Trump", all you are doing is proving to everyone you are a idiot and incapable of complex thought. Enjoy.

yes because who hasn't been in a bar fight? BFD
The NRA is full of whack jobs the far left is also full of wack jobs. Oliver North is the soon to be president and is a scum bag piece of garbage who is a should have been branded as a traitor who sold weapons to a foreign enemy, Iran. The fact they would appoint him shows how stupid the NRA is. The NRA uses the second amendment as a shield to make M.O.N.E.Y. Now before you blow your tinfoil hat off your head and accuse me of being a "liberal" or a "they", as Dan O so eloquently puts it in his failed attempt to lump everyone he doesn't agree with in one category, I don't oppose the ownership of any gun but THERE ARE some common sense approaches and regulations that should be in place regardless of the presence or lack their of, of gun violence.

I see a lot of parallels to driving a car and owning a gun. To drive a car you need training and a license (if you use the "forefathers nonsense argument here and can't understand why that's not relevant please throw your computer out the window and go back to elementary school) and a drivers license doesn't allow you to drive anything with wheels. Want to drive a semi truck? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a school bus? You need additional training and licenses. Want to drive a motorcycle? Need additional training and licenses. I think this common sense approach can be applied to firearms. Some basic training should be required, hunters safety, concealed carry class, etc., in order to own a hand gun or shotgun. Want a own a semi automatic rifle or AR style rifle then you need more training and licenses. Wouldn't keep law abiding citizens from owning a firearm and some 18 year old kid can't walk into a sporting good store and pass a background check and get a gun. Would it prevent all future gun violence instances, hell no. That solution doesn't exist but we should strive for it regardless.

Also here are a list of offenses that should prevent you from EVER owning a gun...
1. ANY drunk driving/driving while intoxicated violation
2. ANY assault charge (Got drunk and got in a fight at bar? Tough shit, get a life)
3. ANY domestic abuse charge
4. Permanently expelled from high school
5. ANY illegal drug charge (yes im pro marijuana but I would still include this)
6. Dishonorable discharge from the military
.....Im sure there are more but i'll start with these

Stop the nonsense that our forefathers were "geniuses", they were just people like you and I. The true genius of what they wrote down is that they knew they wouldn't have all the answers for the future and they made avenues to amend and fix their framework as time passes on. This is a multi, multi layered problem where attention needs to be spread to many points. Regulation, background checks, number of guns produced, mental health, personal freedoms vs. illegal search and seizure, many, many things need to be addressed. If you sit behind your computer and blame "lack of god", or "liberals", or "gun nuts", or the "NRA", or "Democrats", or "Republicans", or "Obama", or "Trump", all you are doing is proving to everyone you are a idiot and incapable of complex thought. Enjoy.

Your joking right? Do you have any idea how many people are floating around that have had one dui in their life and never committed another crime again. I can think of at least 3 in my immediate family. Meanwhile I see on the news in Montana all the time people being convicted of their 6,7,8,9th dui and still getting caught driving. We cant keep these people from driving but a law is going to keep them from obtaining a gun...Gimme a break.. Bar fights? You know how many Military friends I have back home who have been in a bar fight? I would trust any one of them with my life with a firearm in their hand. I suppose my female cousin who was Expelled from school in the 11th grade for possession of a pair of finger nail clippers with the nail pick file knife should not own a gun, a mother of 3, college graduate, daycare business owner... Ya she is super dangerous.. Do you even have any data to suggest that people who get in bar fights or have Dui's commit gun crimes, or does it just sound good in your head?

I keep seeing people talking about how we need to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental problems, why aren't we asking why there are so many people with mental problems?

Here we are in 2018, The media has America convinced that The NRA and its 5 million mostly Middle class members are the enemy and have too much influence on Republicans, Meanwhile china continues to destroy the middle class and basically owns the democratic party. If anyone should be influencing our politicians, Let it be the NRA and it’s 5 million middle class Americans..

Create economic prosperity for the Middle class, rebuild the middle class of America and you will reduce gun crime and mental illness.
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