I know this will maybe get heated but i think its a crock of sh#t that NM pulled their same old tricks to make Elk hunting a rich mans sport again. Its bad enough that the non-resident tags are favored to guys who want to have an outfitter, thats bull, all non res apps should be the same pool and then get your outfitter afterward! Now they have it so you can sell your valles caldera tag! now all the outfitters are hogging a good number of tags by submitting apps from multiple names and then selling the ones they won. This ranch is owned by all of us, the US taxpayers, not the rich who can afford 5k$ plus hunts. It is sad to see that the state is KILLING hunting tradition where a common man could take his kids hunting for good bulls, and have the same odds to draw tags on govt land as the rich. I am sure some of you will disagree because your either a guide or outfitter but you cannot agrue that its fair to allow the outfitters perspective clients a better chance to draw a tag. let the opinions be heard.