PEAX Equipment

Ninilchik May 2009


New member
Jun 5, 2004
North Pole, Alaska
Went down to Ninilchik for 4 days right after Memorial Day for some fishing with the guys. The weather cooperated 2 of the days and the other two we were forced to stay inside, play cards, and....ummmm.....enjoy some adult beverages. :D Larry has a small 20' boat and none of us felt like going out in 6-8' seas in that thing!

We limited both days on halibut, but only managed one King Salmon. It was just a little bit too early for them. One thing that was great, was there were hundreds of bald eagles. Some were very brazen and were swooping in and landing to pick up our scraps while cleaning the fish. We were also right across the inlet from Mt. Redoubt which has been erupting off and on for the last few months. It still has a huge steam plume coming out of it.

Anyway...on to the pics!! (Note:We didn't take a charter...we just used their hooks for pictures.

Brandon and his King

Me and the halibut.

When you launch at Deep Creek, you have to use a tractor because of the huge tide swings.

Here's a bunch of the eagle pics. The brown one is a juvenile bald eagle that has not changed colors yet.

Just hanging out.

Gear Down!!!

Swooping in.

You talkin' to me!!???

Close up.

Mt. Redoubt with it's steam plume at sunset.

Larray, Brandon and Jon enjoying some refreshing, adult beverages on one of our rainy days.

All in all, just a fantastic trip with some great guys. Hopefully will be returning with them in July some time for some reds on the Kenai.
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That looks like fun. What do those two halibut in the middle weigh? I'm not too familiar with them.

Thanks for sharing.
The king was about 30 lbs.

All the halibut we caught were chickens. We were looking for meat in the freezer and not derby winners. The two in the middle were in the 30-40 lb range and the smallest were maybe 15-20 lbs. We split up all the fish and the four of us each went home with about 30 lbs.

Derby winners are usually 300lb+. The biggest I've ever caught was about 85 lbs. Usually the meat on the 100lb+ ones is mushy and grainy. The best tasting fish (IMHO) are under 100lbs.
nie pics Guppie. some ugly things there in that second picture. guessing they taste better than they look? congrats on a what looks like a fun trip.
Great pics Guppie!! I have an uncle that lives in Ninilchik. Man I love that place. You guys did great. Those halibut are perfect eating size. Makes my mouth water just looking at them.
This was first fish of our day in 2001 in Prince William Sound. The second of five trips we've taken in Alaska. Still looking for her big Sister. Much over fifty lbs are all female

I agree best eatin under 100lbs. But that little puppy is the biggest fish I ever caught. And my wife's cousin who lives up there wanted it for smoking. I caught it on our last full day up there and we already had three coolers of vacuum sealed and frozen fish to put on the plane. That year between Silvers and Halibut we put three Igloo coolers with seventy pounds each on the plane. Paid $80 for an extra bag on the plane. That was when you still could check two bags per person free.

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