New Mexico Bulls

congrats on a great hunt and fabulous story. THANKS for all of your help with my New Mexico elk hunting questions.

good luck to all
the dog
Good work brother. Wish I was able to make it this year.

You left out the best part of the story...the adventures of Harold Lujan!
Thanks again, guys. This bull certainly has the most mass of any elk I have ever killed. In fact, it makes his fronts look tiny. His rack also curves inward and then flares out at the tips and his main beams are several inches longer than I thought. My taxidermist taped him out and he grosses (green) out a little higher than 386". For reference, all of his fronts are 20"+, the main beams are pushing 56" and he has awesome mass carried all the way to the tips. Going to make a beautiful European mount and hopefully, some decent eating! I still can't get over the mass...

Great elk Cody! Looked like another great trip and you even got to spend it with your dad. Thanks for the help this past fall.

Happy New Year
A real eye-opener toad of a bull, Cody! Nice bull your Pops scored on, too. Definitely a hunt to remember ...
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